Original Post
Requesting a Banner for my YouShop
ok this is the deal i want my shop to look a bit better so im wanting a banner dont know exactly what i want it to look like so throw up some ideas and let me see them i got 15k on it 8P
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.
Do you want something along these lines?
Im good at these kind of pics so i can do whatever you want. I can add your shop name to it if you want.
Just give me more details.

that is pretty cool yeah i would like Gamers on it and me in a pose
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.
ok np here you go and ty
Last edited by Gamer4200; Feb 19, 2009 at 07:25 AM.
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.
crap. That only gives me your items not your texts. that was dumb of me.
How am i goona get your set?
Can you PM me your .tga's?
And sorry for this inconvinience. But the banner will be epic.
no dont really like that one npocToCawa and playaj if you see me in game will you get my items and textures ?
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.
well playaj is doing pretty good i like the style of his so far
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.