Original Post
Stupidity Abolition Society
I did not want to create my own organisation or clan, so I hereby announce the creation of the Societies and the Stupidity Abolition Society.

How Societies work
Societies are like organisations, but they all have added rules which must be adhered to.
  • Anyone can create a society.
  • The person who creates a society (founder) becomes a member of the society for life. Although they can give up leadership to someone else in the society, they cannot leave the society.
  • Once joining a society, anyone in the society apart from the founder can leave the society.
  • To be a member of a society, you must not be a member of any other society or organisation (There is one exception: The Greed Warz organisation), but you can be a member of exactly ONE or less clans.
  • Societies have tags which are exactly THREE or less characters long but are not to appear in names. They are merely to shorten the name of the society when you are talking about it.
  • Members do not have to pay a fee to be a member of a society, although they can be required to pay a fee to join the society. Members also do not have to pay a fee to leave a society.
  • The above rules apply to ALL societies and cannot be removed, although new rules can be added or the above rules can be ammended to become more restrictive.
  • These rules can be ammended at any time without warning, and those listed in this thread are ALWAYS the most up-to-date rules which apply to all societies.
  • If a rule is added which your society was breaking before it was added, the currently in place breakages can stay there (or be removed), but new breakages cannot be added nor can current breakages be expanded.

SAS - Stupidity Abolition Society
The SAS is a society which strives to remove stupidity from the world.

SAS Rules:
  • Anyone can join the SAS by declaring that they are a member in this thread or elsewhere.
  • To leave the SAS, you are required to post a message to that effect in this thread.
  • The leader of the SAS can be voted out of leadership in a vote of majority, where 75% of the members of SAS contributed in the vote without abstaining. Any voted-in leaders will then have the society founder rules applied to them (they are a member for life and cannot leave the society).

Please read the rules which all societies have to abide by before declaring your membership in the SAS as society membership has some strict rules.
Last edited by SlainVeteran; Mar 17, 2009 at 06:46 AM.
I has a flavour
Societies would seem very strange on these forums...
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
I am now a member of this society.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
I proclaim myself a member.
This is the Emergency Alert System. All normal programming has been discontinued during this emergency.
Remember, accoding to the rules of all societies, you cannot be a member of any organisation (except Greed Warz), any other society, and you can only be a member of at most 1 clan.
I has a flavour
I'm definitely into this.

Put me on the list.

Waitasec don't, cause then i'd have to leave my other orginaztions? =o

I suggest a rule change there, and then I'd join.
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes