Original Post
Most Perfect Slice/DM(Perfectist?)
Basically, you have to dismember uke in any way(i suggest a blade of some kind) you may use any mod, just say what it is. Dq is optional, so is distance, but dm theshold must be no less than 100. Uke may score but the dm must be clean. Must be under 1000 frames(i'm not sitting through 2000 frames to see a dm) and other than what i specified, everything is optional. This is mostly about slicing so please, don't post all your clean kicks because this is not cleanest kick or punch. Kicks/punches etc are ok, just make sure they are not completely a dm because of kick force like kicking a head off by kicking ukes face. If you sever his neck that is ok. Everyone understand? Tell me if you don't or if there is a problem. I have included one example. Now finally, the prize(points don't win, style and cleanness win): all winners get a spinning head avy if they need one, there are 3 winners, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. 1st also gets: a free sig (check out my shop for examples), 50c, or a changing sig or other expensive sig 50% off. 2nd: sig for 20c, 30c, or a changing or other expensive sig for 30% off. 3rd: sig for 30c, 20c, or a changing other expensive sig 20% off. I don't know when it will end, probably after enough people have submitted an entry. Anyone who enters this contest will get 20c off a sig or 50c off an expensive or other sig from my shop just for entering. I don't think i have forgotten anything.
Re: Most Perfect Slice/DM(Perfectist?)
Well, mine isn't super great or anything, but here it is.
[22:26] million: someday, we're gonna destroy space-time
[22:26] million: I'd like to be partly responsible
Re: Most Perfect Slice/DM(Perfectist?)
Not bad, but you hit his head, this is more about joint hitting. Still good though.
Re: Most Perfect Slice/DM(Perfectist?)
I like the momentum on your legcut.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

Re: Most Perfect Slice/DM(Perfectist?)
nice speed, but look at this one: 88 cpf

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

Re: Most Perfect Slice/DM(Perfectist?)
well it was the head

but its clean

Toribash 2.4 replay

oh by the way NoFric mod
Re: Most Perfect Slice/DM(Perfectist?)
Ok, the head is a compression decap, and the ending needs work, but the shoulders/elbows are via a leg hit to the joint, slicing it. It's also a very simple move, and doesn't take a million frames to get the job done. BTW, is instagib allowed? If so, I'll do another entry with Kerasword.
Re: Most Perfect Slice/DM(Perfectist?)
You missed a replay there, cap'n
[22:26] million: someday, we're gonna destroy space-time
[22:26] million: I'd like to be partly responsible