Original Post
Looking for a song
Got a challenge for you guys here!

So I "accidentially" heard a small part once that didn't really stick to my mind until I started thinking about it today and how that song might just have been really fucking good.

Now, I only remember it vaguely and can only give four handfast clues:

1: I'm fairly certain it's a metal or hard rock song.
2: I believe one part of the lyrics was "turn to stone". This may be wrong however as I'm having a hard time recalling the song.
3: Here's a small piece of what I can remember played on my classical guitar (I think it's how the vocals go, but I can't sing for shit). I think it should be just about accurate to how it goes. It's just about 6 seconds of material though so it won't be too helpful :P

Have fun discussing/throwing suggestions/whatever
Last edited by CMon; Mar 27, 2009 at 04:22 PM.
here are three possibilities all of which feature that E-G-G# progression that you played.

Metallica - The Unforgiven (one lyric is Turn the Pages, Turn to Stone...)
DIO - Turn to Stone
Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) - Turn to Stone

Try those out.
Stone - Get Stoned (BTW: metallica ripped the riff of enter sandman from this song)
Originally Posted by hoho123 View Post

I Want To ManBreakfast Massage Me When He Massage I Will Pay

Look, I said "turn to stone" could've been part of the lyrics, not the song title. If it was part of the title, wouldn't you recon I had found it already? :P

EDIT: Also, if my memory is right (which it most likely isn't), the lead singer sings "I see you turn to stone" or something along those lines at the beginning of the chorus.
Originally Posted by SporeCc View Post
>.> I suggested those two just in case

Well, it's good of you to try, if anything.

As a part of the Quiz-Draw 2, I'll also be awarding a nominal fee to whoever can help me with this (if anyone can).

Please post the answer in that thread. Keep em' separate.