Original Post
This is one of my favorite openers; it’s in the preloaded replay called xarmed.rpl. It’s pretty fun, and I added my own little twist to it. I call it the “nip-rip”…

Turn frames: 10
Engage Distance: 50
Dismemberment: 1

Hold all (press “C”)
Shoulders down
Elbows contracted
Hands sticky (click on them, they’ll get smaller)

Space 2x

Shoulders up
Elbows extended
Pectorals extended

Space 2x

Un-stick hands (click on ‘em again)

Now you can do whatever you want to follow that up. Have fun!

A Variation
Same setup, different method. You end up with three movements, and six severed pieces (two of them are yours… sorry)

Hold all (press “C”)
Shoulders down
Elbows contracted
Hands sticky (click on them, they’ll get smaller)

Space 2x

Shoulders up
Elbows extended
Pectorals extended

*Space 1x*

Wrists Extended

Space 1x

Hold everything again (your wrist just broke off, so you’ll be limp)
Pectorals contracted
Un-grip your right (severed) hand

Space 4x

Un-grip left (severed) hand

Et voil*! Tons of pieces of man flying around. Don’t ya love it?!