Original Post
Anyone want to declare war on them?

Might be fun.
Gotta hate those newb clans who have billions of members that talk about newby things.

We obviously have the intellectual advantage.
It would also keep the clan interesting and get back the rep that Freelance and Discount_Death had.
I object.
With billions of members, many of them must be in their 8th dans, dont you think?

Also are you only declaring war on them cause I joined them after quitting Core?

Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post
Anyone want to declare war on them?

Might be fun.
Gotta hate those newb clans who have billions of members that talk about newby things.

We obviously have the intellectual advantage.
It would also keep the clan interesting and get back the rep that Freelance and Discount_Death had.

I doubt it. We're currently versing parrot in an official war. We'll get you after we're done with parrot.

Originally Posted by Burden View Post
I object.
With billions of members, many of them must be in their 8th dans, dont you think?

Also are you only declaring war on them cause I joined them after quitting Core?

The elites are above 4th dans btw.
master of the universe
true.we are already busy with parrot these days.And believe me clan core,you don't know us,we got many ppl who are 2nd dan and above.We got a 10th dan just to tell you.We got 48 members currently and are increasing day by day.We also have two ex-leaders who have leaded clans before and then joined ours.Don't underestimate us.

The DIAF leader,
the belt doesnt say anything about how good you are... just how much you play the game...

I say yes... could be good for us... might reqruit some more members...
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
ow dare the underestamate our mighty clan. we are a great and mighty clan
ex Ldr[HoLy]iceman21...
...we have come.....
Well.. We are great and mighty players ö_ö

Burden is awesome, thus not the reason for war.
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post
We obviously have the intellectual advantage.

War doesn't decide who's right - or smarter, but who's left. Plus, don't assume that we're any better then them in any way.

BTW I'm all for a clan war against anyone, the ammount of lulz (internet drama) that would be generated by such an event would be HUGE, even if we lose in a horrible, misreable way, heck, espically if we lose in a way that would make the French stare in awe even after experiencing the Blitzkrieg.
Originally Posted by loje View Post
the belt doesnt say anything about how good you are... just how much you play the game...

I say yes... could be good for us... might reqruit some more members...

True, but most of us have alot of ideas of experience in Toribash
master of the universe
I know that it's not a reason to start a war.I'm just pissed of that he called us a newb clan.