Original Post
Their newest song Booty Call Ft E40

Shin-Ryuu's BanGoat
Hated by all.
Yet still raped.
Zanzy's Hoe Club!
[GATA] [Inq] [doc]lover [GU] [BISH] [r]tard [Addicted]Allie [Doxa]Allie
<Malvie> Zanzaba; only for you, baby.

"Ehh, I'm sorry. I'm just being a dick."
Oh dear, oh deary me. It was actually alright melodically until Brokencyde came and started screaming in the background and it was like 2 different songs simply playing at once, as in it did not mix together at all and sounded horrible.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Why do you do this. This is not music.

No way should this be considered an art that's for sure.

It's horrible.

I fucking hate BrokenCyde and their shitty OMG U A HATAH IF DUNT LIEK DIS MOOSIC \m/\m/ fans.

Last edited by Klyke; May 28, 2009 at 10:48 PM.
The neighborhood douchebag.
Originally Posted by Klyke View Post
Why do you do this. This is not music.

Now way should this be considered an art that's for sure.

It's horrible.

I fucking hate BrokenCyde and their shitty OMG U A HATAH IF DUNT LIEK DIS MOOSIC \m/ \m/ FANS.


Lol'd so hard.

My friends love them for some reason. I just find them another scene band. Nothing new here.
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
It is music. It has Rhythm. Art? Probably not. Well maybe, because if you like Rap and think it's an art then yes it is. Honestly your comments don't mean anything because you people don't even give these things a chance. You are so stereo typical. Just cause I listen to music that is screamo doesn't mean the fans don't have grammar. Judging people when you don't know them is really sad. Yeah music tells allot about someone but that's not my point. If it makes you feel better I don't JUST listen to this, I have a variety I felt like posting this to show I was different.

You may not like it but I do, and ONE song doesn't mean there bad.
If anyone has comments putting me down please tell? I would like to know what kind of person you are, and what kinds of music you listen too.
Shin-Ryuu's BanGoat
Hated by all.
Yet still raped.
Zanzy's Hoe Club!
[GATA] [Inq] [doc]lover [GU] [BISH] [r]tard [Addicted]Allie [Doxa]Allie
<Malvie> Zanzaba; only for you, baby.

"Ehh, I'm sorry. I'm just being a dick."
Originally Posted by Zanzaba View Post
It is music. It has Rhythm. Art? Probably not. Well maybe, because if you like Rap and think it's an art then yes it is. Honestly your comments don't mean anything because you people don't even give these things a chance. You are so stereo typical. Just cause I listen to music that is screamo doesn't mean the fans don't have grammar. Judging people when you don't know them is really sad. Yeah music tells allot about someone but that's not my point. If it makes you feel better I don't JUST listen to this, I have a variety I felt like posting this to show I was different.

You may not like it but I do, and ONE song doesn't mean there bad.
If anyone has comments putting me down please tell? I would like to know what kind of person you are, and what kinds of music you listen too.

No one put you down at all in fact you fell exactly into Klyke's scenario we listened to it. This is giving it a chance, unfortunately this chance is wasted because the music is shitty. To be honest if they stuck to screamo they wouldn't be too bad but with rap I can't even take them seriously. And really I have listened to every one of there songs for the research and they are no different. You can't get mad at someone for hating on the one example you gave. If you wanted an opinion on the band you should have posted more examples.

EDIT: Not to forget you took Klyke's post completely out of context.
Last edited by meatdad; May 29, 2009 at 07:27 AM.
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny
Zanzaba. I never said I didn't like Screamo.
I never said the fans have shitty grammar. (But this is usually the case)
I did give it a chance. I even listened to a couple of their other songs.
I can't really get pass an entire song before exiting the tab.
I get they are trying to be "LOL IRONIC" with the whole screamo+rap thing but come on.

From Wikipedia: British commentator Warren Ellis calls brokeNCYDE's "Freaxxx" music video "a near-perfect snapshot of everything that’s shit about this point in the culture."

He puts it quite nice.

EDIT: http://www.warrenellis.com/?p=6781 ALL OF THE COMMENTS PUT IT QUITE NICELY. Also. They have a fetish with sunglasses don't they?

Example of said "u a hatah" fans.

this song is everything wrong with music in america.

And People like you who go onto lyric sites talking shit is everything that's wrong with people in the world... ... douche...

its sad when all you do with your spare time is trash talk other people's music. so shut up and get a life. no one wants to hear your opinion anyway

The fact that people seem to genuinely like this is enough to make me renounce all of my faith in humanity and move into a house in the woods.

Please do... then we won't have to hear you bitch about music OTHER PEOPLE FUCKING LIKE... FAGGOT...
Last edited by Klyke; May 29, 2009 at 03:54 PM.
The neighborhood douchebag.
I don't consider this music. I consider it to be complete and utter soulless garbage that shouldn't even be dumped lest it poison the rats. No, wait. I don't think it ever WILL be dumped because I don't think anyone ever bothered burning a CD of them.
At least, they shouldn't have.

Also, you missed this one, Klyke.
Chris Noble- November 22nd, 2008 at 2:17 am

The Spartans used to leave the malformed, brain damaged, or generally useless babies on a hilltop to be eaten by wolves. I now think this is a cracking good idea. Thanks, Warren.

EDIT: Oh jesus fruitjuice christ. They're signed to a label. Someone just...just kill me.
EDIT EDIT: THEY'RE BOOKED ON LIVE TOURS?! Who can handle a freaking sniper rifle? I must know.
Last edited by Warcry; May 29, 2009 at 06:37 PM.
Oh lol I just watch the "Freaxxx" video again that fucking tool with the bottle of alcohol trying pours some of it out during the emo part. I mean what the fuck bro.
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny