Original Post
'Gettin foot surgery.
Remember the toe infection I used to have when I said I first got diagnosed with diabetes? It needs surgery now. Turns out it was just an ingrown nail and the fact that they didnt do anything about it till now means that its pretty bad.
Originally Posted by Tinerr View Post
Good luck man, Best wishes to you

(I donīt know if its the better expression to use, xd)

'tis the better expression.

im going under the scalpel tomorrow at 2.
that sounds pretty tough when you put it like that. but yeah, goodluck with all that bro.
"The only thing your first breath leads to is your last."
Ty guys. :S I'm a bit nervous, as I don't want anyone with a knife shaped object near my feet, and I will be awake the whole time this is done, they are just simply numbing the foot, cutting half the nail and part of the skin off, and sewing it together so it never happens again with a laser.
Originally Posted by Tinerr View Post
can u ask for them to sleep u?

They don't do it for minor surgeries. I'm on my dads cellphone, waiting for the surgeon.
Originally Posted by ThatNGuy View Post
how strong is the pain number cos that sounds pretty painful

Without tylenol its a good 8/10. With tylenol its 2/10.

It was painful but i'm good