Original Post
shop is disabled
whats it for
My aunt has 2 great big personalities (boobies), and i love playing with them all night long
Uhmm, if you are talking about the actual ToriShop, it could be down for many reasons.
Most likely maintenance, or a bug/glitch.

Be Cool. Have Style.
I see two people have been banned by the toribot for no reason
My aunt has 2 great big personalities (boobies), and i love playing with them all night long
>no reason
just look at those transaction histories :^) sick gains
looks like the safetrade bug all over again
thats the three banned by creation, not by toribot
My aunt has 2 great big personalities (boobies), and i love playing with them all night long
The ToriBot ban was only one, and it was yesterday.
They are fixing a bug.
3 people exploited it, that's the reason they were banned.
A ToriShop bug, they exploited it, now it's being fixed.
Don't quote me on that though <3

Be Cool. Have Style.
I'm curious. How the hell did they do it?

[Evil] is recruiting!

<DesiTwist> terty plays tb with the ghost turned off, uke turned off and uses that mouse with the ball in it
if we told you while it was being fixed, other people would probably use it ;) i'm sure higher ups may explain later if you ask.