Originally Posted by THIGGIST View Post
phone in right front, wallet and keys in left front

if u use ur back pockets ur a fucking joke and everyone around u knows it

this man is 100% right
if you guys still carry wallets you are literally not in 2018
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Originally Posted by hobo View Post
Originally Posted by THIGGIST View Post
phone in right front, wallet and keys in left front

if u use ur back pockets ur a fucking joke and everyone around u knows it

same back pockets for heathens

I agree with these fine fellow. Phone in front right, wallet, car keys, apartment keys, gym keys, and house keys in front left.
Keys front left, phone front right. Phone case has all my cards and cash. If I try any other kind of arrangement I feel off.
If for whatever reason I have to use a wallet, then back pocket for that, but I'm not a fucking caveman so it doesn't matter.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
im from the south so automatically im at least 20 years behind yall but wallet in right back pocket phone and change in front right pocket keys in the little front right pocket (i think its the pocket watch pocket) my vape and vape juice and spare battery (in a case ofc) in my left pocket id like to keep my wallet in my front pocket but 1 i forget my phone a ton so a case to hold my shit isnt a option 2 money clips cant hold all the cards i have (debit, credit, library, store discount cards, and my hunting permit) and i feel like id lose all my money if i had one and 3 i dont have any room for my normal wallet
Discord: Elmindreda#5289
in defense of Aeon, at least no one else is going to make the same mistake again.

hi icky
sup cunt :salute:
wait how long have you been here?
I usually put my phone on the right side infront, my keys on right behind or left infront and usually i put my money on the back pockets, doesn't matter which ones.