Originally Posted by Xenomania View Post
hey i h8 using anything other than text modding so how do you use the new element features in the text version. also i noticed some odd stuff i don't get like how do you freeze elements in their place also what is with the fourth variable for color also why does mass=0 make the game buggy not to mention the bugs when you set flag less than 0. can you plz answer these question cause i would rather not use the script.

how do you use the new element features in the text version.

You write

env_obj 1 (which means first environment object)
all the variables you normally put can go here, like sides, shape, flag, etc
(second environment object is env_obj 2 etc. you are limited to 12 objects, then the game starts to get buggy and sometimes crash)
also i noticed some odd stuff i don't get like how do you freeze elements in their place

the flags (theres more, but these are the important ones.)
flag 8 stops it from moving.
flag 6 is instagib
flag 1 is normal
I think flag 16 is ungrabbable.
not to mention the bugs when you set flag less than 0.

anything below 1 will stuff up as they're not valid flags
also what is with the fourth variable for color

the fourth colour value is translucency.
0 is completely transperant, 1 is opaque.
why does mass=0 make the game buggy

mass 0 means it does not weigh anything, so it becomes buggy.
if you want an object light, then make it mass 0.0000000000000001 or something
actualy if its that low, Jam, it will be really buggy... mass 0.0001 should be light enough to do anything with...

also flags
flag 0 - BODY_NORMAL: The regular state of the body
flag 1 - BODY_ALT: The alternative state of the body (NOT USED)
flag 2 - BODY_SHIELD: Doesn't take any damage
flag 6 - BODY_WEAPON (BODY_SHIELD): instagib (anti-instagib)
flag 8 - BODY_STATIC: Unmovable body (3.0 and above)
flag 12 - BODY_WEAPON: instagib
flag 16 - BODY_UNGRIPPABLE: Ungrippable (2.8 and above)
flag 32 - BODY_DQ_DISABLE: Can't DQ the body part (2.8 and above)

also adding flags together will make them do both so for example:
because 16+32=48
Last edited by MrPoptart; Nov 3, 2007 at 01:53 AM.
thx for that.

also i want to know if its possible to link or weld enviroment objects together.
Last edited by Jam0864; Nov 3, 2007 at 02:21 AM. Reason: no double postin!
Originally Posted by Jam0864 View Post
well i use notepad++ not worldbuilder, so my knowledge is limited.

Did you SAVE it?

What OS are you on? (vista has tight security and you might have to run toribash as an administrator to allow it to save files)


Maybe your out of hard disk space?

-i have enough space on my harddisk
-i did save it because i can load it in wordbuilder
-i am administrator(and i play in administrator)
-Dunno. its vista home something like that. its really annoying. if i had money for xp, i would buy it. but i have not >.<
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Originally Posted by LineTori View Post
i am administrator(and i play in administrator)

even if you play logged in as an administrator, that doesnt change the fact that vista protects your program files folder. To allow an application to write to the program files folder, you have to open it in a special way. -.-

when running toribash, and you plan on saving from worldbuilder, right click the shortcut and click 'run as administrator', instead of running it normally.

u might be able to recover your mod by running as an administrator, and then resaving it.
Originally Posted by Jam0864 View Post

davidofmk771- well you unzipped them already, so all you have to do is move them to CProgram Files\Toribash-3.0\data\mod

Dude, thank you so much.
you can't set a mod to ONLY anti-dm, i have (negative) experience of it myself. you can set it to one of these:

flag 6: instagib, takes damage, doesn't dm.
flag 2: instagib, doesn't take damage, doesn't dm
or do as deex told above.

i asked Hampa bout it and he said there will be joint-specific dmtresholds in a future version, but not quite yet. once that comes out, you can make a joint practically unbreakable.

and Mr.Poptart, why haven't you listed the other features of (for example,) flag 2, which would be instagib and anti-instagib? and what happened to "flag 48 - OMG_secret: just found this one"? you had it on my tekken mods thread...
Last edited by Archlurps; Nov 3, 2007 at 05:10 PM.
I refuse to grab.
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Originally Posted by Archlurps View Post
and Mr.Poptart, why haven't you listed the other features of (for example,) flag 2, which would be instagib and anti-instagib? and what happened to "flag 48 - OMG_secret: just found this one"? you had it on my tekken mods thread...

there is so many different flags, like 70% of them are never really used, so he didn't bother i'd say. =D