It almost became a tradition that from time to time I have a fucked up story about my recent dream/nightmare to tell. So, it is time, I had one today. This time the theme was kinda thriller/drama.

Basically, I was something like something between a detective, mercenary and a hired thug, not certain but the fact was I was hired by a woman who had some ties with mafia or crime. Basically, she was to meet some guy in a dark alley to strike a deal and I was the protection. I've got a strong feeling that I had the same exact dream before, except it was action themed and the deal ended in a shootout. Either way, I expected a fight and had a wrench and a handgun on me. It was dark, winter night in some big noir-like city. We entered the alley. Now the best part: in the alley waited my partner... Scorpio. Even better, he was doing typical scorpio shit like wearing combat boots and a labcoat, sitting on the ground and generally having trouble differentiating reality from his fucked up gensokyo-infested mind. I got angry because we were about to battle bunch of mafia thugs and he was just fucking sitting by the wall with headphones on, listening to some japanese shit. I shouted at him to get his shit together, he stood up and followed us. Now, in the alley there was no fight and that is the divergence between the action and the thrilldrama dreams. There was one thug who led us to his boss. Now there is some dreamy chaos where I seem to have lost continuity, but next part I remember being in a room-bedroom-hospital room with scorp, our job-giver, the big bad mafia boss and his bed ridden, ~16yo sister. There was also a doctor. Sister was addicted to opiates and for some reason we knew that she had managed to deal with the addiction before and had stopped taking the drugs. So we asked her why was she back on the track. Apparently there was some family drama, her father hit her for not winning some competition (I assumed beauty contest but it wasn't specified). After telling that she started to suffer a bad withdrawal with agonal screams and a seizure. She was put to sleep via tranquilizers. Her bro and pur employer left the room to talk and we stayed. In the meantime doc started installing some contraption around sisters head. He then starts rambling about some miraculous med that can cure addiction, provides exact name (which I obviously didnt remember in a dream). I call out his bullshit because apparently I am well versed in pharmacology. Doc claims it's the exact dose that matters and proceeds to apply it. The injection goes through gums (yay for dreams always skewed towards mouth/teeth). After applying a dose readings go crazy and doc hurriedly takes a scalpel and prepares another place for injection in her mouth. I shake my head and... BRTZZZZZZZZ the fucking alarm clock rings, ruining what might have been an interesting story. Why does the bus to powas's place leave so early.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
5.0 beta tries to introduce matchmaking (flawed but may work) and voice chat (god help). Well, it at least made me redownload tb.
Originally Posted by flxy View Post
Every time I open this thread I get ear cancer. I hate you all. I just wanted y'all to know that.

I actually learned to love and embrace it.