Yeah, its only for the companies to win more money.
And y'know tha t there are millions of people that only eat, watch TV, and play PC games. And they are fat,fat,fat.
lol wut
Ok first of all, the world is so boring and you lack motivation because all you do all day is go on the damned computer! You go to school, college, and then work, so that you can do things that you enjoy in life, hobbies that you think are fun and full-filling, obviously video games are taking over your guys's minds. Now I'm not saying that I'm not playing video games all day most of the time, because I am, but I don't forget that there are better things to do in life that you work for and that's what motivates you.

Basically what H4rl3quin said.
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That is what we call, an epic win.

I lol'd. but meh, dont have much to say on this. Can go both ways...
My name's Mr. Cupcake.
I personally love playing games, I find that they can make me feel better as far as emotionally goes whenever i'm playing counter strike and go on a streak or something, games can also motivate me to do things such as my homework if my mom threatens to take my PS3 away, if I don't play my games for a day then I will most likely not be in the best mood because of all the real life drama etc which can cause more violence from some people.
Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
wanking is not 'stuff'.

T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by william405 View Post
You so are innocent my son

Originally Posted by YouaredeaD View Post
Yeah, its only for the companies to win more money.

But... It has already been used 3 times for non-profit, so obviously it was used for non-profit first O_o
W..t..h... :3
Originally Posted by Galrath View Post
Sorry but that girl is nothing but a stupid nerd hoe in my eyes.

Theory behind it seems sound, and if you actually listen to her you see that she suggests everyone plays 1 hour of game a day. That isn't unreasonable right?
She is pretty much saying that gaming is a preferable pastime because it promotes problem solving and team work. Really, it would be silly to disagree.

Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
jesus christ i just lost my remaining faith in the human race... etc etc blah blah

It is so fun to troll isn't it?
But do it elsewhere.
Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
jesus christ i just lost my remaining faith in the human race.

Seriously, people whining about how unmotivated they are and how hard it is for them to get out of bed in the morning makes me cringe. You know how to get the most out of life? actually get off your arses and do stuff.. playing games at home, wanking and watching anime all day is not 'stuff'.

Life can be great if you actually make opportunities for yourself. It's got some ups and downs, but anyone who would prefer it to be similar to a videogame needs some serious mental help.

I completely agree.

I think it's fine to complain. I complain all the time, but I never use it as an excuse why I can't do something. The only thing stopping you from doing something is you, and the laws of physics...
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
I love how she is positive ( have to give em that ) and i also think it is important to focus on real life owrld scale problems as well.

but she makes the remark that gamers are,

positive, resourcefull and "trust" eachother

Wich is not even close to reality.

A "positive" person could say that about real life also, it does not make it true at all though. When games just started to go online it already became clear, real-life bastards get digital to. So that pretty much kills the base "positive" drive of the entire idea.
Whenever i am online i allways encounter at least a few disrespectfull bastards.
And i think the most extreme virus the internet has are people who are so "disconnected" of reality that they think they can treat people like shit online just because it is easy. Which is one of the problems in real life as well, putting people in places were it is easy to treat others like shit, because most of us will utilize such sorts power that way.

Sure we got real life problems, we got a lot of those. Maybe we got these problems in real life because giant corporations rather give well fed people a console instead of doing something incedible with their money.

Also a game like the "OH MY GOD the world is out of oil" linked online, gathering statistics from everyone around the globe might just give giant corporations even more handle on how to do maintain an even buisiness flow and manipulate the market even more.

And last:
She shows a picture that an artist made of a kid that looks zombiefied with vitamine E shortage and then starts her presentation about how she want at least half of the earth population to be like that.

Common people, i know i dont have motivation but her complimenting gamers ( virtuoso ) doesnt make me swallow the load of sh*t they put in front of me.

Btw she has perfect marketing skills, i dont like that
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Used for non-profit or not, it hasn't really been done on a mass scale. If you keep saying it's been done for good, why don't any of us recognize those? Are they small and obscure events that involved less than a million people?

The only thing remotely like this in practice now that I know of is customer loyalty programs. Frequent flier miles, casino rewards programs, buy 10 sandwiches get the next one free. These are the only ones I've encountered.