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Tori-Santa 2017

Welcome, everyone, to Tori-Santa, a Christmas event hosted by the Event Squad!
It is the season of giving (and eating too much as I always find) and I know that there isn't a single one of you out there who would say they don't like receiving presents which is why this event is so enjoyable for everyone.

In this event, everyone participating will be given the name of another participant. The person's name that you receive is the name of the person that you will be playing Santa Clause for.

Sound good? Alright!
To participate in this event all you have to do is post in this thread between now and the 23rd of December. I'll put you on the nice list and then match you all together.

Once you are told who you are sending to, it is important not to tell them or anyone else that you are their Santa because it will ruin the surprise. Now all you have to do is plan what you will give them and wait until Christmas day (25/12). Once Christmas day comes around you will have 3 days to send your presents to the person that you have been given. Don't worry, someone out there got a PM, in the spirit of the season and hope that your Santa is just as generous.

One account per person.
Entry to this event closes on the 23rd of December.
Names will be sent between the 23rd and the 25th.
Gift sending starts on Christmas day or the 25th of December.
Failure to send the presents by the 29th of December will result in a week-long ban.
There is no minimum sending value but you must send something. Be generous with the spirit of the season!
You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. I'm telling you why. Because you'll be ignored.

The nice list can be found just below in the case that you are fretting if your post went unnoticed for some reason.

Nice List

Well, that's it. Have fun and remember to thank your Santa afterward!
Remember, I'm probably checking my list twice.

Last edited by ymir; Dec 23, 2017 at 07:31 PM.
Everyone should at least wait a day or two to complain. Your secret santa probably hasn't checked the fourms or have a good excuse for not sending. Just stop the spam fam. Also, the people who just send something that everyone can easily obtain is wrong. Have a heart and give something good.
I'm Back trash#1234
I’m finding my santa in secret.
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The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
I sent my dude a gift. Still no gift for me. Had a feeling this event would me a bit risky .
Originally Posted by basic View Post
shut up about your gifts

get off my ass, :< just noting it
My santa is cool, he is the spirit of giving!

Giving nothing.
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