Original Post
allowed to sell textures twice?
Hey guys.
I made a texture set. I like it, and some other people like it, too.
So I want to know: Can I sell textures and wear them by myself?
Or have I to recolor the set first?(<-----dont know if this is allowed)

Answer please!
i think its ok if you have a recolored bversion of set you sold
but no you cant wear a set and sell it too
No. Even with recolor. No.

UNLESS, the buyer is ok with it. Then a recolor will work
From experience.

If you have a set that you have recolored.

so eg. you have a red and black set. then you recolor to a blue and black set.

so you have 2 sets 1 r+b and 1 Bl=b

you can sell both. ASLONG AS YOU HAVE A DISCLAMER saying something like

"By Buying this set you accept that another(or many) versions of this same set will be sold with different colors involved."

Check with someone like hanz0 with details that are always right :P
What Megadoomer said. Recolouring only works if the buyer is okay with it, but that usually isn't the case so... generally selling the same texture twice, even if there's small changes, is forbidden.