You know I wish I could read your usertitle and I'd agree with you. JK (Rowling) teheheh

I'd say Fear's an interesting guy, with an uninteresting name. JK (Rowling)

Also fav player from way back when was Oracle. He was a chill dude and fun to play with.
"Was" chill, I think he still is, I don't see him causing issues. :3

Also, I know what it says, that's why I said JK (Rowling) teheheh

Anyways, I have only really ever seen Oracle OK forums and he's a nice guy. ^_^
imsku, moop, cowmeat, ern, t0ri0baby(now Haku), BlueEvil, rfifan, erth... list goes on
u.. know all the good tk players ever
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

i would say cold because he is funny and has a great playstyle while being very skilled in game.
My way or no way, totalatarian.
Fear & Qubic were probably my favorite aikido players to face. I'm willing to bet I've played Fear in aikido more than anyone else (mwah is probably up there too)
Also worth mentioning is mwah, who was very dominant in striking mods for a short time and had an array of unique openers for each of those mods. Very unique and very skilled player overall

Discord: bicycleforrats
<[Obey]Quest> yall needa tap into my telegram on gad
Chase Sapphire Reserve® Cardholder
Qubic only annoys me because he unintentionally acts like he knows all kinda of things and people barely know anything. Fear and mwah are cool dudes though. I certainly like playing them when I play them, Qubic too.
It's shook. fucker has a sexy set, I get so jealous of it. I think I remember stealing the hands and replacing the Nuclear logos with scorpions lmao.
Last edited by Akkilles; May 9, 2017 at 08:47 PM.
"No one will remember your name"
It used to be sparky but now he's a meme, and a bad one at that
Now it's shook

And my favorite regular player is Trestet, because he's my official daddy