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Insignificant injury
What injury would you consider to be the most insignificant but still classified as an injury?

I did that thing where you peel a little bit of the skin of your finger and it just keeps peeling and now it looks like this


Breaking your little toe. Happens to a lot of people without even realizing. I guess that classifies it at insignificant. But it is an injury nonetheless
A cramp
the minor sprained ankle.

happens so many times to so many people, but the minor ones are barely anything.
Pulled muscles are the domain of cry babies, walk it off ladies

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I had actually slammed my big toe into a door so hard that the front half of the nail had bent upward for a moment, ripping away from the skin. It bled pretty bad and it bruised and shit. It was pretty insignificant but still a fucking painful injury nonetheless.
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Fear sucks eggs
Sometimes I accidentally cut my arms on random objects because I am a sissy boy with soft skin

I don't notice until someone points out the blood splattered all over my entire arm.
I think I might be retired.
Probably a bruise that you don't notice. I have them all over my shins.