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need new songs to play on guitar
heya pepol out there need some help here
i am playing guitar for 1 year now and im becomming quite good (no lessons just selfteaching so i dont understand a damn of the chords ect.)
anyhow im looking for some new songs to play that are playable for me.
examples of things i can play (leave out the solo's):
acdc back in black
tenacious d the metal (only the main riff)
stairway to heaven (the first part of the intro)
kryptonite (the whole song)
and so on.

if u have any good songs for me plz post theyr names here
pre ty all ^^

keep it rocking \m/
And as allways,
have fun
First of all You aren't getting "good" or you aren't "good" at all if you don't know chords. Really, no one cares if you can play songs but can't read or play music that's handed to you. All of the songs you mentioned are quite easy, and in my opinion, you shouldn't even be taking on a lot of songs until you can actually play chords and actually LEARN HOW TO PLAY GUITAR. You are one of my pet peeves, I've been playing guitar for nearly 7 years. People like you make me hate the guitar, they pick it up and just want to learn songs, and don't know shit about anything besides "Oh is that the chord from that song?" etc. Seriously.
Go try glasgow kiss by John Petrucci also Stairway to heaven by led zeppelin

Go to youtube for some lessons on chords or go to or just simply download guitar pro (You can download the tabs in
Last edited by Jonggi; Sep 30, 2009 at 07:29 AM.
Try Your Pussy is Glued to a Building On Fire by John Frusciante. Its a pretty easy song.
[eVo]LtKenny- Huh... Cocks are fun to play with...
[eVo]LtKenny- If your name is Zackarie!
kntornsrin- Swing and a miss >.>
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
First of all You aren't getting "good" or you aren't "good" at all if you don't know chords. Really, no one cares if you can play songs but can't read or play music that's handed to you. All of the songs you mentioned are quite easy, and in my opinion, you shouldn't even be taking on a lot of songs until you can actually play chords and actually LEARN HOW TO PLAY GUITAR. You are one of my pet peeves, I've been playing guitar for nearly 7 years. People like you make me hate the guitar, they pick it up and just want to learn songs, and don't know shit about anything besides "Oh is that the chord from that song?" etc. Seriously.

Eerm I'm kinda disagreeing with you.
Learning Chords helps guitar playing a great deal but it's not necessary, if you don't want/need to play in the "right way".
I even think that chords can actually limit the way you play the guitar.
I don't know chords, I can't read notes I can't really play any music execept my own and still I think I'm pretty average when it comes to guitar playing skill. If you tell me to play a song I couldn't probably play it and I probably wouldn't have any intrest in doing so.
Playing my own songs with a band or alone is enough for me.

Guitar playing is not about theory. All you need is a guitar and pair of ears, you'll hear what sounds good and what does not.
If you want to play something else than your own stuff then learning chords and notes is advised.

Impropunk is my genre of choice.
Originally Posted by hoho123 View Post

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Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
First of all You aren't getting "good" or you aren't "good" at all if you don't know chords. Really, no one cares if you can play songs but can't read or play music that's handed to you. All of the songs you mentioned are quite easy, and in my opinion, you shouldn't even be taking on a lot of songs until you can actually play chords and actually LEARN HOW TO PLAY GUITAR. You are one of my pet peeves, I've been playing guitar for nearly 7 years. People like you make me hate the guitar, they pick it up and just want to learn songs, and don't know shit about anything besides "Oh is that the chord from that song?" etc. Seriously.

I don't know any chords and I can say I'm doing really good and on my third year of playing. I make Metal, and Acoustic Instrumentals without the knowledge of chords. I can probably say I can do just as good as you or even better on my Seventh Year. And it's people like you how I don't want to turn out. Kind of like a Semi Douche.

Kid you WILL become better without the means of theory. If any theory you should be learning is the theory that you find for yourself, such as Octaves and how they all sound the same, but sound different at the same time.

Anyways down to business. You should learn the intro to The Ninja by Cacophony or whenever you think it's too hard. The INtro to Call Of Ktulu and Is Anybody Out There? I suggest you Finger pick that one. I said finger pick not thumb pick.
Er, theory is kinda useful, lol. Sure, training your ear is the most important thing, but knowing the musical theory is a good shortcut to doing that. You can start breaking the rules once you actually know them ;p, and i don't know anyone who's learned a bit of musical theory and then said it was a waste of their time.

It's not actually a whole lot of effort either. Especially on guitar, when most stuff can be learned in chord and scale shapes. On most instruments you don't get that luxury.

If you still want to take a casual approach and just learn songs, then learn stuff which you'll pick up some idea of how scales or chords work from passively. I'd suggest actually learning the whole of stairway to heaven if you've already started, since there's some pretty cool things to be learned in there, and learning the solo will give you a really firm grounding in pentatonic scales in a few positions.

In fact, finish learning all the songs you've started before taking on new stuff. If someone wants you to do a song and you can only play the first 30 seconds you're gonna look pretty crap lol.

But seriously.. a little bit of theory and you'll be able to make up stuff on the spot for hours that will sound just fine to casual listeners. Not saying you should go out and learn what an e7sharp9 chord is in 3 positions and how to use it, but you should be able to string a few open chords and a couple of melodies together on the spot by now, really.
Oasis-Wonderwall... Period.. Its pretty easy and gets you well coordinated
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