Original Post
[GFX]Sig Improvement
Old Sig:

New Sig:

Even Newer.

I Think Ive Improved.
Last edited by Jets; Mar 11, 2011 at 05:01 PM.
I like it, the effects are cool i like the colour scheme you have in the second one also it's good that you didn't use the gimp pepper like in the 1st one lol.
Nice one jets your very good at multi tasking but the only thing i want to say is try and get some better effects.
You should think about getting photoshop it's better for things like sigs. I like the effects on the second one but you text is plain.
Was that blur on the face intentional? I dont think the blur looks good the way its pixelized but i think its a 6/10
Compare to old one, blight colour really do the job but cant relax yet exportation should be endless.
some parts have a lot of saturation, bad composition, bad blending.the focal is bad. bad lighting.
I liked the ideia, but you could do better. and the squares on the face was a good thing, but you overdosed.
you should read some tutorials.

read this too
Last edited by Danth; Mar 10, 2011 at 03:27 PM.
hai mai lodato il sole?
Compare to your older one and newer one you did improve, but one thing that is bugging me is the way you did the pixel at the face. And as referred above, you need to work on your lightning,depth etc. A good signatures is all about having a good depth,lightning,focal.
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Beserker: I Think ima stay to gimp. And yeah, sinse im a beginer simple text is the best thing for me.

Lucent: Thanks.

Bloobing: Yeh the pixle on the face was intensional, it was soppost to add a effect but the mojority of people didnt like it.

Danth: Okay im trying to get better on this bt there dosnt seem to be to many gimp tutorials around.

New one.
Last edited by Jets; Mar 11, 2011 at 05:07 PM.