Original Post
/afk Command
A command that allows you to set yourself to afk instead of merely a spectator so you're excluded from being /fenter'd either by OP or an auto-tourney.
Originally Posted by Zephira View Post
spying on people lol

What? I don't see how you could "spy" on people.

Supported. I mean, I can't really find a reason that would help the game, but it would still be a cool command. So I don't really care if it's added or not.
Supported. Its cool that if the players need to go to bath or lunch, they will just do /afk instead.
Last edited by WadenBRU; Aug 15, 2015 at 03:42 AM.
Wouldn't it make more sense just to leave the server instead of taking up space (if in a tournament server). If you're gonna be afk, then at least be fully committed to it and just leave the server. It seems like it had a good reasoning, but I feel like it would be a waste of time to code.
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Originally Posted by Bercat View Post
Wouldn't it make more sense just to leave the server instead of taking up space (if in a tournament server). If you're gonna be afk, then at least be fully committed to it and just leave the server. It seems like it had a good reasoning, but I feel like it would be a waste of time to code.

How would it be a waste of time? The addition is so simple it would hardly require any work. I dont know much about coding, but all you would really have to do is make the /afk command trigger a spec, (afk) sign by the players name, and a message saying "<playername> is now AFK." Even from someone who doesn't code I can see how easy that is.

Last edited by Jaxon; Aug 15, 2015 at 07:09 PM.
Sometimes i do /sp on tourneys and when i look after a while i'm in the tourney. I think it's at least helpful to avoid /fenter.
I agree with what's been said already. Not really abusable, doesn't seem too difficult to code and can save some time with /fenter. Instead of waiting the first 2 turns in a match to find out someone is afk, they can just use /afk and stay out of the way of /fenter.
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