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Sony Vegas Pro
Song: ONE OK ROCK - Dreamer
Replays by: Onsola,Semnome3,Zeker,Arakata,Dezrai,Bquadz7550,Xe nos,Larfen,Pusga.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
saw this thread and immediately got hype for one ok rock and was instantly disappointed with mediocre to bad edit

what's with the pancrop in the first replay?

how did you rewatch :24 after rendering this and think to yourself "yeah this is up to my standards"

look at this and go back to the drawing board, you've done better. upload what you think is good, not what you actually finished. that's how you'll improve if it's not through others' cnc.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Alright, i'll try to do some better edit later .
but when i rendered this, i really tought it was already looking cool, and didn't got any more idea for it.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
What I like to do is look back into previous projects and look at what I did that made the video good. As an example (I know you use SVP), I looked into unravel and looked at what the velo graph looked like. I noticed that there were no sharp bends, only subtle ones.

Your content has been tanking a lot since Timed Killer. Reflect over what you have done in the past few months; don't just leave it. You're only as good as your worst video. If a project doesn't look good to you or a group of people's eyes, scrap it. However, if you have a project with a great concept but poor execution, save it. You can always look re record clips, adjust cc, etc but concepts are a human thing, not something you can pull out of your editing program.

And please, ask for advice/help from people. There's no wrong in doing that.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this

same name, same song, not as good
I think this video shows good flow and velo with the song, if you directly took the song and stuff from here then I'd understand why your velo looks so much like you're undecided on what you actually want to do.
Also, this fps is in 60fps, it looks like 60fps. Yours is rendered in 60fps, but it is very choppy, can you not record at a steady 60?

Toris are ugly(groundtextures? really?,) colours change too much and don't really fit

When I look at this I see so many things that you just threw in because you wanted to but had no care to actually make work or look good
are there 2 of dafe layered on purpose? it looks really trashy and the effect had no flow and it just looked like you were experimenting. Experimenting is good, but I don't think its wise to not say this was a scrap or test or something, because this looks like a rough draft of an edit.

ep logo and your logo are very cluttered and are too detailed, especially for a game where its just circles and sticks

I'll most likely edit this post later to go more indepth with what you're doing wrong/right, but you made this video days after your last one and I don't think it's that big a deal if you just wanna pump out videos

if you need help/advice or anything on videos app to ep or just pm me your skype
I like experimental, and I like oldschool, but don't try to put modern and oldschool features in the same video. It looks messy like cat said.

I did see some interesting stuff in there though so just keep it up