Original Post
...put my heart out there...

try the link if video has not loaded

please help, i want to do something for the community...
below is the actual page i am referring to

Fixed your video. ~Fee
Last edited by Fee; Apr 24, 2010 at 02:08 PM. Reason: added link

Good idea, original.

Howdy Lamp, must've taken some courage to make the video..I know i wouldn't of done it. But I'd love to help in anyway, not the best texturer, but I'd be glad to help with anything.

Here for Support!(Or anything)

Want to try something completely new to the Toribash Forums? Try the 10 Push-up Challenge!

Go Lamp! GOGOGO.

Hope you get somewhere with this. I can't draw shit, but I can spread the word and stuff.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.