Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Why is a "specifically biological" woman needed as a role model for a child? For one... gay couples raise fine children. There's no concrete need for a "role model" of a specific body type, presentation, or gender. Just teach your children good stuff. Secondly... a trans woman is just as good a role model of a woman as a cis woman.

If you want a biological child, just get a surrogate mother? Would you refuse to date a woman you truly loved because they're sterile?

I also caution against using the term "transsexual" from here on out. You're referring to trans people who are physically/medically transitioning.

A lot of women, too, want their own offspring. Of course there are exceptions to this argument, as it does for nearly every argument out there in this regard, but generally the chances of me being with a trans whatever seem awfully slim right now. I have yet to find someone attractive, either in real life or on the web.
Also, yes, I am referring to trans people who are in medical transition. I don't give a fuck about what others do for fun or identity, just don't push your ideologies on me thank you very much.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Just btw it is "trans people." I don't think I've ever seen "transpeople" before and I assume it was a mistake, but it made me chuckle.

It's how grammar works in Sweden, but I'm glad that my lack of multilingual grammar skills is giving you a sense of humor on my cost.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
If you're using this as an excuse to misgender people... the argument is that you're inconsiderate and don't care about how your words affect others. Pretty weak argument I'd say.

Did you not read? I have yet to misgender someone. And yes, I must confess that I don't put into consideration the people who I don't indirectly interfere with. I have my own life to worry about, and I don't give too many shits about someone else ideologies, especially when they promote medical intervention to people who aren't in need of them.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Gender dysphoria is not needed to be trans, or to feel more comfortable with another set of pronouns, or to physically/medically transition, or to change presentation. Those that believe gender dysphoria is required for any of these things are called truscum. Just let trans people be who they want to be... use the pronouns that make them feel comfortable. As I've said countless times in this thread... gender doesn't necessarily have to have any connection to the body or presentation; it can just be identity, the societal role, the way others think about you or stereotype you, etc.

I repeat, I don't give a fuck whether or not you want to be a man or woman. If you want identity, I'd suggest you do something to earn it, not jump on a doctors table.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
What authority are you on how trans people feel and what is best for us? Why do you have an opinion on it in the first place?

What authority are you on how we should refer to you as? I have a lot of friends in the world, and I didn't get them by telling them how they should legally refer to me.
You define me by derogatory terms. Do I feel compelled to be more "tolerant"? I think of myself as extremely tolerant already. But what you're looking for seems to be acceptancy and compliance.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Have you ever felt the extreme pain that gender dysphoria delivers?

Make a wild ass witty guess and chuckle. You're good at those.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Have you ever talked to trans people about their thoughts on these surgeries? These surgeries (there are like... 2-3 per physical transition at most, not a "sea") really do help and they're currently the only way to alleviate a lot of the specific dysphoria many of us feel. They're getting safer and safer too. They're currently really really good actually, barely any risk whatsoever. What alternative could you possibly propose?

Yes, I have talked to trans people (as many as you can find in normie territory) about their thoughts on surgeries, and most seem think of them as their unconditioned salvation. (2-3 surgeries per person is a "sea", and completely unwarranted if you don't have a medical condition to cure.)
If you want alternatives to how to beat gender dysphoria, talk to a doctor, not me. I'm here for mutual understanding, not to win a debate.

It appears to me that you paint me as an opponent, which just isn't true. I have met several trans people, drank with them and whatnot.
You have my tolerance, but my love, acceptance, or support is something every person need to earn for himself.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
His lack of support isn’t bigotry, you do realize how many people in this world don’t even support homeless people and such, just because you people are transgender or non binary or what ever you human beings are don’t get the support that you guys want and such does not mean you can go shitting on others and putting ur ideals onto them to do so. I can guarantee you now just because someone is focused on themselves and don’t care about you guys and whatever you guys do DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE BIGOTS OR WHAT NOT.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Nobody is doing it "for fun." Transgenderism is not some take-it-or-leave-it ideology, it is here and it is very real. Not subscribing to it means you have prejudice against a minority of people who cannot help being transgender. I'm pushing good morals at you, helping you remove your ignorance, and you're resisting that for some reason.

I have a prejudice against people trying to tell me what or what not to say. That's about it, and whether or not its good morals you're pushing is highly subjective.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Refer to my first point. Those that get the surgeries are also very much in need of them.

People with Gender Dysphoria I presume.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I actually identify as neither a man nor a woman, but non-binary. Nobody has to "earn" their identity. Did you earn your identity as a man? No, it is inherent in you. Our identities are inherent in us. Also, not all trans people seek medical intervention, but that is not to say that medical intervention does not help us immensely.

Firstly, I still don't care about other peoples identity. Secondly, it's good that not all of you undergo surgery. It's not as risk free as you would say, albeit better now than before.
There's a lot of people with regrets and still a lot of suicide/suicide attempts. Find the treatment for you and your friends, that's all I can suggest.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I am me, the ultimate authority on my own pronouns and identity. You're the ultimate authority on yours. It's very easy to understand.

Aye, my mind, my choice of words. Happy to see us agree. Even so you want me to accept anyone without critique, which is a tad unrealistic imo.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I am looking for acceptance, understanding, removal of prejudice, etc. Tolerance is an insanely low bar.

Tolerance is what you get, and you get it free of charge. That's a pretty good deal in my book?

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Gender dysphoria is a legitimate condition and the surgeries help.

I didn't say that surgeries should be banned.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I already linked Dr. Powers (the doctor with the most knowledge of transgenderism in the fuckin world) powerpoint which you can read through yourself. I linked it in a post a few pages ago.

The person with most knowledge about transgenderism is an assistant professor at Yale with his own clinic? Google tells me he's a general practitioner as well.
Can you link a few studies he's done? Not trying to discredit him, just curious.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Trans people don't need to earn your acceptance. We're a minority which cannot help who we are. Your lack of support is bigotry. I do indeed see you as my opponent. You've come here, read what a very knowledgeable trans person who's been studying this shit for years and years, lived it all myself, talked to tons of other trans people about it all, etc. has to say about transgenderism... and you, as a cis man with almost no knowledge on the subject whatsoever, have said "nah, I think I know better, trans people are wrong." It's disgusting.

Everyone needs to earn my acceptance. Do you accept everyone? There's a big world out there, and it's full of people with mean ideas. It's appalling to me that you think I should agree with whatever you say without being critical. I understand that gender dysphoria is a horrible disorder, and I can't remember which study it was, but it showed you guys as suicidal as the jews after the holocaust. I'm also not saying trans people are wrong, please don't put words in my mouth. I say you're wrong for telling me how I should think, and I think you're a cunt.
Last edited by Swepples; Jan 13, 2020 at 09:39 PM.
Owner of Fred
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Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Some of the things you say are harmful to a harmless minority. You obviously need to be told what not to say. Do you know what being receptive to change and restrictions is called? It's learning. It's becoming more progressive. Refusing either of them out of sheer egoism is pretty much the definition of bigotry.

It's also called being naive, or gullible.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
"I don't give a shit about what other people say." "I'll call em like I see em, don't care how they feel." Again... egoism and a severe lack of compassion or consideration. Just because your identity is not important to you doesn't mean it's not incredibly important to some.

I'm an egoist? I just don't have time for all the millions of minorities. I prefer to put my compassion on those I love and care about. Sorry you're not on the list.
Also, my identity is important to me. Your identity however, is not.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
There is an extremely small percentage of trans people with regrets about their medical transition. Making it harder for the rest of us to undergo these things because of this small percentage leads to a lot more suffering. Instead... maybe education on gender and transgenderism in schools or from family would help

Originally Posted by [URL[/URL]]
The 2015 U.S. Transgender Surveyfound that 8% of respondents who had transitioned reported having ever detransitioned, and 62% of that group had later returned to living in a trans gender role.

I bet you haven't read this, since you're so "tolerant" (only toward your own ideals, not feeling much tolerance from you personally, maybe you should set your bar even lower?). If you want a better source, just google.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Why do you feel the need to critique anyone's pronouns or gender identity? Are you going to give them a test to see if they're lying to you about it before you use start gendering them correctly? Trans people are being genuine! We're not lying... and assuming that some of us are lying about our gender is just more bigotry.

Why would I give them a test? How would that assumption come from reading my posts? I just don't feel anything toward trans people.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Harmless groups do not need to earn your acceptance. They have no reason not to have your support unless they are actually doing harm to anyone. Do black people, as a whole, have to earn your acceptance? That sounds absolutely ridiculous and exceptionally egotistical.

This is why I dislike identity politics. Is there no individual responsibility in your mind? Is everything about race and groups?
EVERY man, woman and in between must individually give me a reason to get my support.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I accept any group which does not harm others, which is either neutral in its ideals (or ideal-less) or positive in them! I accept anyone and everyone until they're proven harmful. It's innocent until proven guilty... not the other way around.

I don't know about the opinions of trans people so I wont comment on them.
Personally I think your opinions are harmful.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
You know very little about transgenderism. Maybe actually do some research and reach out to some trans folk before you express your criticisms publicly.

I came here with a question to see your perspective on things. Almost instantly I learned that I was a bigot, egoist, uninformed, inconsiderate and ignorant. I think I recall disgusting as well. Might have missed something, please remind me.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Suicide rates are very high. This is mainly because of the lack of acceptance of trans folk and the difficulty in getting the required medical help. Also, I'd appreciate if you'd refrain from referencing that event from here on out. It's alright that you mentioned it this time, you didn't know, but I don't like getting reminded of it as often as I am.

No, we must remember all the atrocities we have collectively committed as human beings, how else can we avoid them in the future?

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
You think things which are prejudiced, uninformed, and harmful to trans people. I'll call you out for saying those things and I'm right to do so! Take it to heart, do some learning, and adjust your view as any good, progressive person does.

I would consider myself as a decent human being. You ask for my love, support and acceptance, yet you give me nothing but denouncing slanders in return.
It's true that I don't know much about trans people, but I'm sure of one thing. You're still a cunt.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
do you think suicide rate is because trans people are oppressed or because being trans is a mental illness in the first place and that's the real reason?

from what ive seen you arent oppressed at all because you're trans, it's because you're a shitty person
I think you're struggling to grasp the difference between what is your opinion and what is facts. Just because someone in the world considers something important, especially if it's a pretty small minority of people in the world, doesn't mean the rest of the world should consider that important. We can't have written rules about what you can say and what you can't. In the most polite way possible: fuck your feelings. It's a tough world out there and if you biggest concern is wether you're being called a boy or a girl or a demon spawn from hell then you honestly are living a nice ass life. Find something better to worry about. Mental ilnesses come from within yourself and not other people. There are changes you need to make yourself to fix them, wether you feel that is surgery, therapy etc is your thing but the moment you place the responsibility of your own mental well being upon other people you are being very naive. The world is never gonna be the fairy-world utopia you want it to be because there are millions of people on the same planet living different lives with different opinions.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
News flash dude, so many people wanna die that we literally have acronyms for both “kill your self” and “kill my self”.
Don’t play the victim, and don’t act like the shit you have to deal with in life is unique to you. You even got the freedom to be an attentionwhore online about it and 90% of my responses get deleted... do you want to be a coddled little bitch in your safe space or stop trying to tell everyone online they wronged you over some shit no one cares about. I have plenty of queer, trans gay friends and associates, this shits never made a difference to most reasonable people. But it’s still weird dude, people are gonna react weirdly, because it’s weird. Guess what? People are weird. Get over it. Most people have way too many issues of there own to accommodate some random losers “pronouns”


The reason you get so many negative responses here is because literally everyone has their own problems to deal with and it’s honestly quite offensive when people act like you’ve had it made you’re whole life just cuz you’re a “white cishet male” etc etc and should be doing more to pander to some random on the Internet.
You’ll have to forgive me for not investing myself completely into the OP due to work related time constraints, but from scanning through the responses in particular, I felt an urge to clear some things up and address some common misdemeanours.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I was under the impression the umbrella term is no longer ‘Trans people’ and is now more commonly accepted as ‘Trans*’.
If I may add a personal input I also feel like addressing the topic of a Trans* against another is a bit odd, because often we end up labelling people that have very few similarities just for ease of mind and ‘to make it easy’.

From my personal experiences, most of the people that I have spoken to about their sex, expression, gender and orientation are often actually quite reluctant to give themselves a label, because they are far more free thinking than that, and it is frankly quite ignorant to try and label the workings of every independent brain into narrow schools of thought.

I think the result of the above paragraph, more often that not, seems to be where I have witnessed the root of the hostility stem- as people are tired of one word meaning one thing and then meaning a completely different thing in the eyes of another. I understand people like to feel like they are a part of something and the many other thousand reasons that an umbrella term is good, but similarly to the suffrage movement, it appears to push just as many people away from the term, regardless of its good intentions as a whole.

I suppose I would urge everyone to comprehend that not everyone’s brain works like yours does, and so we are all going to have conflicting views. You may just think of someone as an idiot for their genuine belief that their changing gender is important:- but to them it could be the most important thing in the world. And, I would hope, if a close friend or relative spoke to you about the most important thing in the world to them, you would listen, acknowledge and treasure their views whether you agreed with them or not. Being nice is much easier than being horrible.

In basic terms, stop being toxic just for the sake of it. You may not agree with what Maya has to say, and will probably leave with a bitter taste in your mouth, because we love to hate in the human race- but that doesn’t mean you have to discriminate anyone, it's simply undeserved.

Unfortunately I do not have much time to continue this response much further, but I thought it was worth slotting in nevertheless, hopefully it may help some people to engage brain before opening up the flood gates!
Last edited by Bless; Jan 18, 2020 at 05:24 AM.
[21:55] Icky: How the fuck can i make witty lines about blossoms without going full weeb
Tbh Bless, you're gonna have to do more than just scan through a few responses to determine if the hostility against Maya is undeserved. These people aren't being toxic for the sake of it. They're completely fed up with the way Maya's been arguing with them (that is, Maya's been calling everyone transphobic for every little disagreement). This has been a long, long, long discussion and there's been several people making good points against Maya's arguments, but not once has Maya conceded a point. It's Maya's way or the highway. Maya claims that their study, and lived experience of trans issues, makes them the ultimate authority on this topic, so they can't possibly be wrong. To that end, if you disagree with some particular points Maya's made, you get labelled as an ignorant transphobe (even if your disagreements are (what many would perceive as) completely reasonable).

So I don't think it's fair, given that you haven't even read the thread (and I know, it's a big task, it would take several hours if you read it thoroughly) for you to come in and claim the hostility against Maya is undeserved. Maya calls everyone here a transphobe and has been totally unwilling to consider any alternative views. It's in response to this accusatory pigheadedness that people have become fed up.
As an aside, I agree with your point about the term 'trans' being too broad and encompassing. If you read the OP, you'll see that Maya insists on the term trans being used to include a large group of people;
Originally Posted by Maya
being transgender just means not necessarily strictly identifying with your gender assigned at birth. I say “gender assigned at birth” and not “biological gender” because a lot of people are much more biologically similar to the opposite sex after hormones or surgery. Anyone who is not transgender is cisgender. One shouldn’t use the term “transsexual” because it assumes that the person is intending to physically transition in some way, and that’s not always the case. It’s safe to use either “trans” or “transgender” (as adjectives, NOT nouns). Those who are non-binary (don’t associate fully with either male or female) are also trans. I am non-binary (enby or nb for short) myself.

Maya later goes on to say that if you're not attracted to trans people, then you are transphobic.
Originally Posted by Maya
Saying you are “not attracted to trans people” is transphobic.

This has been where much of the opposition against Maya has come from. You have to be attracted to trans people to not be transphobic. I'll let you determine whether you think that's right on your own but... Aside from general dubiousness of that, Maya's definition for trans includes transexuals folk (as you can see in the quote above). If you don't want to have sex with a transexual person, in Maya's book, you're transphobic. Maya has since refused to relent on this point. Maya has argued that they mean that if you're not attracted to trans people as a /whole/ you're transphobic, but you can't separate the parts from the whole. If I'm not attracted to transexual people, I can't be attracted to trans people as a whole (it would be erroneous for me to claim such a thing) - Meaning I must be transphobic. Maya does not accept this. They could amend their original statement (make their definition of trans less broad) or accept that they're plain wrong, but no, they just continue to argue and argue.

This is not a charitable discussion, where there's give and take. As I said earlier, it's Maya's way or the (transphobic) highway. That's why people have become hostile. Maya''s a stubborn child.
Last edited by Ele; Jan 18, 2020 at 06:24 AM.
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