playing mad max now, 9/10 for the sheer sandbox value. if you like to collect shit, upgrade shit and explore shit, that's the game for you. it's also pretty good-looking and has a good, post-apo feeling. anyone else, who's not into exploring and prefers story-driven games can subtract 3 points from my score
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
the sheer sandbox.

HAH! Literally a sandbox.

In other news, I started the Overwatch grind again... Not doing too hot atm but getting to where I was before I stopped playing. Still a really fun game, would recommend/10.
Bust n me have been playing a lot of PLAYERUNKNOWN's Battlegrounds. Usually not a fan of these flavor of the month type games but this is by the OG creator of the battle royale mod. Honestly pretty fun. They just released a patch today that made things a lot better and their roadmap is looking pretty promising. If they keep it up and maybe add a few more things just to make it a little more diverse or w/e it's gonna be a good game once it gets out of early access.
I'm playing FIFA17 online, just got into league 6 in seasons. Pretty fun as long as you don't care about winning because boy, I lose a lot.
Playing Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2 atm. Been hype about Baiken, tho I'm not sure yet if I wanna drop Jam in favor of her. Hella fun game even though I get fucked up on a regular basis.
Also playing Dota again with the stack of a guy I know from Smash.
Speaking of which, been to a couple tourneys now and Smash is still super fucking fun. Really chill people around here to play with too.
I haven't been playing much vidya recently, but a few days ago I went and considered what could possibly be the worst way of spending my time and picked up touhou (again). Most of my vidya time got replaced with rpgs I guess, two sessions a week.

Dota, cs and all the multiplayer games are giving me cancer because they waste ton of time and there's no progress to them (other than "le u get more skilled xD"). I will be picking EU4 sooooooooooooooooooon, because Thandrir literally went and lost his soul to the game, and it's tempting me.

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qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos