Originally Posted by Maya View Post
More replies! I'm gonna close the thread relatively soon... it's mostly just bigots trying to justify their bigotry at this point. I think it would be funny if this thread got more views than the off-topic rules sticky though, so maybe we'll try for that.

As Bailey said, is a bit inmature trying to close this thread just because there's people who aren't gonna say: "Oh, i don't wanna still fighting so you're right kerchow"

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
i'm not sure I understand this. Why wouldn't you? If it made them happy and it was no burden or harm to anyone else, why would you rip them from this more comfortable space? It seems unnecessary and mean.

I don't support identities which cause someone to be intolerant of others (or are indicative of intolerance). If it is harmful to others, there's a problem. I've never met anyone with a harmful identity though.

Maybe, 'cause it ins't really good for them talking about the reality? It's like say that i am a real stegosaurus and i wanna be called that way or i'm gonna kill someone. And don't try to say: "if isn't harm for others is right", 'cause it isn't. What happens if your friend wakes up some day saying that he/she is gonna take someone's soul?. All you're doing is affirmating Moop's question.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Lmao yes, you'd be a huge racist! If I heard anyone say "I'm only attracted to white people" irl, I'd definitely call them out for being super racist. Humans are generally attracted to other humans, but skin color is outside the realm of sexuality; there can be preference, but nobody is inherently turned off by certain skin colors. Sexual preferences != sexuality. You could say "I'm generally more attracted to white people" and it would be much more accurate than saying "I'm only sexually attracted to white people" (though I feel like this may still be minor subconscious racism in some sense...).

I'll be a bit honest, i've read this and i've get a bit pissed 'cause they explained the point and you've just said the same shit again. If i say: "I'm only attracted to white people", in a "normal" way i'm referring that i know what i like and dislike or what i'm attracted to. I'm a bit black skinned men, and i'd prefer white girls than black girls (don't know if is the right way to say it, don't infract me eksdee) but that doesn't mean that i'm racist for liking one skin color than other. Tbh, i got your point, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck, talking 'bout the people presentation, BUT NO!, not liking/being attracted to Trangender people makes you a transphobe. Like others said. First, there's some transgender people who has it's birth assigned genitals so, if like vaginas and i date a girl with dick, i'm not gonna be attracted to her dick (not talking about romanticism and all that shit). Second, there's some differences from male and female anatomy, if someone likes skinny girls, isn't gonna like a semi-regular male body. Third, if we except the second point, there's people with preferences like the natural/not worked/not tattooed/etc bodies, not liking a female trans body isn't transphobic, that's like say: "i don't like the yuca frita, so i'm a yucaphobe", if you don't like it, that's it. I'm homophobic for not liking gay males?

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
i don't know how many times I have to say this... there are tons of trans people with the same bodies as the people you're sexually attracted to. If you're into cis women... well guess what? There are lots of trans people with the bodies of cis women. Why wouldn't you be sexually attracted to those people?

Preferences, some people just don't like it, they prefer that, it's transphobic if say: "i don't like him/her for having no natural genitals, he/she is wanting to change it's image just for fun" or shit like that, not for not liking or to say it a bit more fluid, not wanting to have sex with a transgender male/female, like others said: "you can't make an absolute gender switch or transition"

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Just read everything I've typed in this post already. It's actually insane to me that so many dudes are defending their right to be grossed out by trans people at the same time they're begging me not to call them transphobic for it. If you're defending that position right now... I'm so sorry for offending you but you're a transphobe! Congrats, welcome to the majority.

WOW REALLY FUN M8 YOU DESERVE AN GOLD AK FOR THAT JOKE, call a "majority", which you don't really know "transphobe", ¿are you sure that you're "intolerant to intolerance"? 'Cause you just seems like a child calling everyone who try to guide him "stupid", i'm not trying to offend you but that's the case, and if trying to say your opinion is transphobic, seems like a good thing to be.

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
And yet I have every trans person I've ever known by my side on all of these issues. Like I said... I ran this by a number of other trans people before posting it. You cannot silence or dismiss me just because I am but one voice.

this seems like you're scared of what he said, if you're trying to make the difference, don't be ultra defensive all the time, that's why some people aren't gonna stop being transphobic (< the real transphobia, not those stupid complains on this thread, like calling a transgender group "trangenders", being as i saw from your part, a little offensive with no reason), it's like the memes logics, if i made something offensive and someone gets offended, i'm gonna be happy for finishing my task, and the next one could be something worse. Just try to get your points clear and think about the other opinions to understand why these people are saying that, not calling the transphobes
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Like.... can you all be honest for just one second? You're either consciously or subconsciously grossed out at the idea of fucking someone who "used to be a guy" and you don't want to have to be ashamed of that. But you should be ashamed of it!ransphobia!

People have preferences, some of them are called: "normal", some are "weird", insane, safe, family friendly, etc, you can't really control what your mind is gonna prefer all the time so, if someone just has that thing in his/her mind, it could be hard for them to change it. In my case, i like vaginas, and if i date some transgender girl with vagina, i could probably like her, but some people just don't prefer it. And that's the magic of the humanity, be as weird as you like
Last edited by l0lix; Dec 10, 2019 at 05:52 AM. Reason: -Fructus -Nadie como Fructus -No hay un sustiFructus -En la noche voy y te acuFructus
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
More replies! I'm gonna close the thread relatively soon... it's mostly just bigots trying to justify their bigotry at this point. I think it would be funny if this thread got more views than the off-topic rules sticky though, so maybe we'll try for that.

"ohWoW, my thread has more views than the rules sticky, LoOK aT wHat I DoNE, Im MAkInG a DifFERENce!1!"

You're the worst. Go ahead, make another reply then close this. Silence criticism of your opinions. Dig in. Entrench yourself. Good job. Big man.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
They are constructs, very much not concrete in concept.

Gender is a cultural creation. Male/female (biological sex) is not. There are male ants and female ants. This is not derived from culture. This is basic, fkn, biology - Derived from objective reality.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
It's just about as gross a question as someone asking me what genitals I have out of the blue; the answer doesn't matter unless the context is specifically gender related.

Again, asking your mate whether that chick's a guy or a dude is a question about biological sex because PEOPLE LIKE YOU attempt to change your appearance to obfuscate that biological reality.

How is this hard?
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I'm not sure I understand this. Why wouldn't you? If it made them happy and it was no burden or harm to anyone else, why would you rip them from this more comfortable space? It seems unnecessary and mean.

It's just escapism. People also use drugs to escape from reality. Would I support my friend drugging themselves into a haze daily to avoid facing the reality of their situation? Absolutely not.

We have to face reality or else we're not addressing our problems - We're just avoiding them. It's addressing the symptoms of problem, not targeting the cause. The underlying 'fuckeduppedness' (I've coined this term) remains.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Lmao yes, you'd be a huge racist! If I heard anyone say "I'm only attracted to white people" irl, I'd definitely call them out for being super racist. Humans are generally attracted to other humans, but skin color is outside the realm of sexuality; there can be preference, but nobody is inherently turned off by certain skin colors. Sexual preferences != sexuality. You could say "I'm generally more attracted to white people" and it would be much more accurate than saying "I'm only sexually attracted to white people" (though I feel like this may still be minor subconscious racism in some sense...).

Again, you don't understand what racism is if you think that it's racist for some to prefer to fuck one race over another. There has to be an element of prejudice. Nobody's being prejudiced by preferring to fuck people of their own race. It's legit, a natural thing.

This is the same with transphobia. Despite all your 'study' in this field, for someone to be transphobic they have to actually be prejudiced against trans people. Not wanting to fuck a transexual is not transphobic.

Honestly can't tell if you're just trolling now for more 'views' to boost your fragile ego.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Good thing I'm teaching the staff (with a little help from other queer players) about transphobia! They're discussing it all and learning as we speak; I'm very proud of them all.

If anything, you're doing the trans-community a disservice by claiming to represent them and their views in the manner that you are.

You're just contributing to greater polarization. But good job tho, looks at all these views!!! In this respect, you're no better than Milo Yiannopolous. You're just a provocateur.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I'm showing you the way that a progressive and tolerant person thinks about gender and transgenderism.

You're incredible (not in a flattering way).
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
And yet I have every trans person I've ever known by my side on all of these issues. Like I said... I ran this by a number of other trans people before posting it. You cannot silence or dismiss me just because I am but one voice.

You're the one that just tried to silence/dismiss everybody by labeling us all as bigots and by threatening to close the thread, but w/e.

Also, I showed this to my trans roommate and they also think you're doing the trans-community a disservice. Not all trans people agree with you. You don't represent my roommate - Just so you know.

Really starting to believe you're just a massive attention-whoring troll. If you aren't and your intentions are pure well then, golly, you got some problems bro.
Last edited by Ele; Dec 10, 2019 at 07:21 AM.
hello Maya,

I respect what you did and that you don't mind about saying you're transgender, congratulation. (Liberty of expression yay !)
But don't think everyone is transphobic because they are not attracted by transgender, that's kinda...dumb...
I guess you're just being psycotic because medias says everywhere that everyone is being transphobic, medias are just pushing it to the extreme its comes from "i wont like to be transgender" to "i hate transgender" and that's all because medias and shit (even though some people think like the 2nd option).

Yet, i hope you're happy with your choice of life !
im not attracted to trans people because being trans by itself is already a red flag

im sure there are good transgender people out there but got damn the amount of times ive seen trans people on the internet they either have problems or their attitude is insufferable. same with people who have pronouns in their bio and shit

also is it really that crazy to not be attracted to trans people because of their true biological sex i mean in the end it is simply a natural thing

just my 2 cents please dont report me
Originally Posted by basic View Post
im not attracted to trans people because being trans by itself is already a red flag

im sure there are good transgender people out there but got damn the amount of times ive seen trans people on the internet they either have problems or their attitude is insufferable. same with people who have pronouns in their bio and shit

also is it really that crazy to not be attracted to trans people because of their true biological sex i mean in the end it is simply a natural thing

just my 2 cents please dont report me

some trans people on the internet are actually fucking insane (you seen the state of that one tumblr page?)

also its fine to have preferences, and preferring to date cis people seriously doesnt seem like an issue
Originally Posted by basic View Post
im not attracted to trans people because being trans by itself is already a red flag

Why is that?

Originally Posted by basic View Post
im sure there are good transgender people out there but got damn the amount of times ive seen trans people on the internet they either have problems or their attitude is insufferable. same with people who have pronouns in their bio and shit

What's your point? There's nothing wrong with having problems?

Originally Posted by basic View Post
also is it really that crazy to not be attracted to trans people because of their true biological sex i mean in the end it is simply a natural thing

If we're talking about romantic attraction, then yes. That would make you a bigot. Imagine dating someone over the internet for years, developing a close and strong relationship with someone, and then they tell you that they're black, and you proceed to say that you've lost all interest in any relationship with them. Sounds fucked up right? If we're talking about physical attraction, then of course not. It depends on how the person looks relative to you.
Hello, and good day to all. This is a very interesting, and I believe also important, topic to discuss. Therefore I have come to provide some interesting videos (and the occasional Wikipedia article), as I won't pretend to be knowledgeable enough to tell convincingly how these issues are real; many others have done so far better than I ever could, and they should be listened to. I'll attempt to show some facts about transgender people, LGBTQ+ movement, minorities in general and the reactions about them. I'll also try to stay as objective as possible to bring the facts to the table, with my opinions being clearly stated as my personal opinions.

The videos are long, but I hope you have patience to watch at least one of them.


It's often stated that Wikipedia is not a reliable source. This is true, but it would be foolish to dismiss it as a whole. We are not scientists here; we don't need absolute, definite, verified evidence, as it can be pretty tough to read; not to mention the amount of information available. We would never proceed if everyone had to read everything - especially when they're books that need to be paid for - to be able to state their opinions. Please, try to be open-minded about this.


With that said, here's the meat of the post:

1. Strictly speaking, sex and gender are different things.
In common speak however, they are used interchangeably, so on no basis can people be judged for using them wrongly. Even I will most likely mix them up in this post.

2. There are people born without definite sex.
This is called intersex. While it can be tough to determine how common they are, they are more common than you think:
Total number of people whose bodies differ from standard male or female one in 100 births
Total number of people receiving surgery to “normalize” genital appearance one or two in 1,000 births
~Intersex Society of North America

Here are two videos that talk about arguments that are commonly stated when trans rights come up, and why the binary male-female spectrum is false biologically:
"Transphobia in the UK" by Shaun
"What is Gender?" by ContraPoints (this was the weirdest and funniest and creepiest video I've seen in a while, I really recommend it)

3. The LGBTQ+ movement, feminists, anti-fascists, game journalists are not out to get you.
No one wants to take your rights away. No one is trying to take your freedom of speech away. Actually, you may even misunderstand free speech as a law:
"Does the Left Hate Free Speech? (Part 1)" by ContraPoints
"Does the Left Hate Free Speech?" by ContraPoints (I think it's the second part) (I haven't actually watched this, the subs are broken and spoken English is not my forte. I trust that ContraPoints is able to give convincing explanations.)

4. You have most likely been lied to about LGBTQ+ movement, feminists, anti-fascists and whatever else is related.
There are several videos available about how people are made to hate these movements:
"The Fate of the Frog People" by Shaun
"How to Fall Down the Anti-SJW Rabbit Hole" by Three Arrows
"Why Are You So Angry?" video series by Innuendo Studios
"The Alt-Right Playbook" video series by Innuendo Studios
Now, these videos aren't exclusively about transphobia; still, they're linked to how one comes to contact with it and accept it as the truth.

The next two points have my opinions about being considerate towards each other:
5. Transgender groups have extremely high suicide rate.
They face a lot of discrimination every day. They don't have it easy. Please try to understand.

6. It's not simple for one to change their mind about a subject they've been told as a fact for their whole life.
It's alright if you don't understand. It's okay to feel outraged when it seems like you're being oppressed for being you. I hope I can prove in this post that you are not being oppressed.


Some videos that are on my to-watch list that might also interest you:
"Gender Critical" by ContraPoints
"Pronouns" by ContraPoints
"Queer" by ContraPoints
"Transphobia: An Analosys" by Philosophy Tube
"Does the West HATE Itself? - A Response to Black Pigeon Speaks" by Three Arrows

Some loosely related videos; that is, in regards of minorities, gamer culture and GamerGate, falsified information, misogyny, racism etc. etc.:
"The Psychology of an Incel" by JCS - Criminal Psychology
"Does the Left Want to Destroy History?" by Three Arrows
"TL;DR Doesn't Understand Anita Sarkeesian" by Shaun
"Cuphead: The Fake Outrage" by Shaun
"DOOM: The Fake Outrage" by Shaun
"What is 'Virtue Signaling'?" by hbomberguy

Actually, there are so many videos that I could link (and kinda want to) that it's probably best to stop here. So many vids!

In summary, I guess my points are these:
- These are well-researched issues, something that you can look up anytime (although admittedly, with the amount of information available, it can be tough to know where to start from)
- Still, the Internet is chock-full of false information, and it can be tough to determine who is right and who is wrong, or is there even a right or wrong.
- With that said, there exist people whose job is to do research on these subjects. It wouldn't hurt to trust people a bit more instead of just listening to outrageous claims.
- It's easy to interpret text in the Internet as an attack to your being. Please, understand that you can not tell people's intent 100 % of the time. At the same time, if someone is definitely posting with malicious intent, do not throw more wood to the fire.
- Please, don't fall into the trap of thinking you're centrist in the left-right spectrum. Social medias will make you bend to one way or the other, and the right especially is targeting white young men to transition to their side.
- Transphobia is closely linked with racism, misogyny, climate denial, trolling among others that are escaping my mind right now. You can't discuss one of these subjects without also talking about the others.
- If even one person watches at least one video linked here, if even one person starts doubting the hate they've heard about minorities, this post has been successful. Thank you for reading.
Last edited by Tonakai; Dec 31, 2019 at 10:40 AM.
Originally Posted by Tonakai
- Please, don't fall into the trap of thinking you're centrist in the left-right spectrum. You are targeted by both sides - mostly the right - to get you to their side without you noticing.

Says the fella linking hbomberguy and ContraPoints for edification purposes....

What's your stance on the claims that Maya's made here Tonakai, or would you prefer not to comment? Feels like you're equivocating here.

Promised Maya via PM that I wouldn't post here again (there's hardly any point), but I wouldn't mind exploring your views on the assertions Maya made here Tonakai (if you'd be willing).
I am merely providing videos about transgender people, how they think, and how people come to join the people who proceed to make their lives difficult. I'll see if there'll be replies that I can respond to. I also wished to "reset" the atmosphere here without blaming anyone, in hopes that more civil discussions may be had.

Other than that, I will refrain from commenting. This choice is mostly due to the forementioned atmosphere of this thread; I have no desire to join conversations without any reason behind them. That is to say, I want people to show me material that I can read or watch instead of listening to opinions that aren't shown clearly to be based on anything concrete. This includes your statement about hbomberguy and ContraPoints. As I stated in my post, there are people who speak of these much better than you and I, and I think those should be referred to.

Well, watching some of the videos I linked to might give you some answers.

the statement about being transphobic if you are not attracted to trans people was dumb

EDIT: Ahh, I think I finally got your point about ContraPoints and hbomberguy. Maybe I should check dictionary definitions of English words that I don't know the meanings of :^) edited the post a little.
Last edited by Tonakai; Dec 31, 2019 at 10:37 AM.
Interesting read (even though it took ages haha), leaves me with a big question though.
If someone decides to veto getting into a relationship with a transsexual person because they are interested in having either;
A (specifically biological) woman to have as a female role model for their child.
A biological child conceived naturally.
Are they still transphobic?

Personally, I have nothing against transpeople. But I call who I want whatever I want, we share that right together, as it's the only peaceful way for us to express what we think to be best for others (just like what you are doing in this thread here).
I have yet to discriminate, and would gladly back, anyone with a valid argument (Gender dysphoria). But I don't think a sea of surgeries is the best solution either.
Best of luck with your journey.
Last edited by Swepples; Jan 13, 2020 at 01:10 AM. Reason: formatting
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