Originally Posted by iTemp View Post
honestly the only staff that i had a problem with but isn't staff anymore was shmevin, we were constantly dueling all the time and i had multiple screenshots of him harassing me prior and everything and people still sided with him, i do have evidence to back it up too but at this point i decide not to even bother with that since nothing good even comes from it, i already am passed those days. I was always targeted for "harassing him" because he would mainly crop out my words and make it seem like i was the bad guy, but when i tried to speak up i rarely would get listened too, he even included me one time saying that i was "talking shit" about his uncle because i said people who smoke are an idiot and that it is their fault if they get cancer because they smoke.(shmevins uncle had cancer i believe and passed away, my condolences.)

the amount of times we look at the situations between you two and arrived at the "6 of one half a dozen of the other" conclusion was absurd. Both of you were terrible to each other, and more often than not we were making sure one of you didn't do something to the other.

Eventually we just told both of you not to duel eachother, which of course you both disobeyed and caused more issues for eachother.


@Lucy, no idea honestly. You sure it was me? I tend to not remove people from servers unless they break rules. If it's from a server they own then they're getting banned and need to be kicked from ingame.
also, if ES "threatens" to ban you for forum stuff, it's either a joke or they're explaining you're going to be banned for whatever you're planning to post.
#: or they're being terrible. In which case, let me know.
Last edited by Icky; Oct 1, 2017 at 08:40 AM.
I do not understand why it's so hard for you people to get how staff complaints work

You, as a member, submit a staff complaint. You present your case, you present your arguments. Staff complaints are (most of the times) not the same as generic reports, in the sense that there isn't some clear rule breaking going on, it's a matter of "Did this staff member do/act like something he shouldn't have?".

The staff member sees this complaint and is open to propose a counter argument to your case. They debate your points. Of course they will defend themselves. If their superior(s) see that the staff complaint is not legitimate or dumb or whatever, they will also either defend the staff member, or outright close the complaint if there is nothing to discuss. On the other hand, if the superior sees that the staff member indeed is guilty of something that deserved a staff complaint, they will be reprimanded. Their "punishment" ranges from talking to the staff member, getting them to understand that what they did was wrong, telling them to not do stupid stuff like that ever again, all the way to a banfire (even cases like this happen, albeit they are mostly preceded either by multiple staff complaints or a long discussion among the higher staff).

I have had 2 staff complaints written on me that are still available to see (one of them was deleted due to it's, sub-par nature [Groh: This wasn't abandoned in our IRC tho, I still had a talk with Icky/Reta about it])

One came from when I was dealing with a particularly unique case where a member of an organization seemed to want to use that organization to kill the activity of another. In my mind, closing the org until the case has been dealt with, made sense.
Science01, the person who made the org, made a staff complaint on me. Rai, my direct superior in the clan staff branch, saw this complaint, debated with me, showed me that I didn't need to do it that way, handled the report, gave me advice, opened the org.

Second one was from a person who was in one of my ingame events, he complained about me voiding all his points in an EVictory when he left. Problem was, neither side had screenshots.
After Reta butchered me about always taking screenshots of ingame stuff, he promptly closed it, noting the fact that I should have taken screens.

In both these cases, the staff complaint was not overlooked, and in both I got reprimanded for my actions.
Staff complaints is not a shootout between a member with a handgun and a whole staff team loaded with military grade weapons. It's a place where you present your argument and the relevant staff members present their counter argument.

I don't know what you expect out of a staff complaint.
No, a staff member won't be shamed for every action he does wrong.
No, a member won't be threatened to not make complaints under the threat of a ban (if the complaints are legitimate and not just shitposts).
Maybe you expect an apology. Yes, an apology is common decency if it has been proven that the staff member has wronged you, and I have seen staff member apologize if they truly felt like they had to. But forcing people to apologize for every single little thing is not realistic.
Originally Posted by Icky View Post
the amount of times we look at the situations between you two and arrived at the "6 of one half a dozen of the other" conclusion was absurd. Both of you were terrible to each other, and more often than not we were making sure one of you didn't do something to the other.

Eventually we just told both of you not to duel eachother, which of course you both disobeyed and caused more issues for eachother.


yeah and i found it pathetic that you all still came to the conclusion that i was doing the most damage in all of it, there are still plenty of screenshots that can be provided on my half of his actions too, you guys just told us to not harass eachother anymore nothing about not dueling each other unless i am wrong and you have evidence about this which i highly doubt.
Originally Posted by Icky View Post
@Lucy, no idea honestly. You sure it was me? I tend to not remove people from servers unless they break rules. If it's from a server they own then they're getting banned and need to be kicked from ingame.
also, if ES "threatens" to ban you for forum stuff, it's either a joke or they're explaining you're going to be banned for whatever you're planning to post.

Yeah it was you but that's the problem about me trying to have a convo about it now, back then I was pretty scared of staff since they when you talked to them they seemed like brick walls and you couldn't get your side in,

basically I was in my with some people, someone was scammed or something so I think I was the one who brought you in to help him since he seemed to not know how to report forum wise, when you came in I did ask you to keep it in whisper since no one else in the sever needed to hear about it, I told you a few times but you ended up banning me, you did end up un-banning me from the server but it was already too late since the server died by that time.

Kinda held a small grudge against you, lost all my trust in you and most staff since no one took that seriously and I ended up avoiding staff as much as I can,

But now I do see a change in staff that I wanted to give them a chance, but guessing since you didn't even get a single word of how you handled that,

It's just one of those things that was never helped.
I don't exist
Originally Posted by iTemp View Post
yeah and i found it pathetic that you all still came to the conclusion that i was doing the most damage in all of it, there are still plenty of screenshots that can be provided on my half of his actions too, you guys just told us to not harass eachother anymore nothing about not dueling each other unless i am wrong and you have evidence about this which i highly doubt.

Wasn't the conclusion at all, or at least not conversations I was part of. Also, you have no idea how wrong you are. However, the areas where things were spoken about are not my areas, ask creati0n, or maybe even skul if you'd like logs of people having a chat about all that.

Originally Posted by Lucy View Post
Yeah it was you but that's the problem about me trying to have a convo about it now, back then I was pretty scared of staff since they when you talked to them they seemed like brick walls and you couldn't get your side in,

basically I was in my with some people, someone was scammed or something so I think I was the one who brought you in to help him since he seemed to not know how to report forum wise, when you came in I did ask you to keep it in whisper since no one else in the sever needed to hear about it, I told you a few times but you ended up banning me, you did end up un-banning me from the server but it was already too late since the server died by that time.

Kinda held a small grudge against you, lost all my trust in you and most staff since no one took that seriously and I ended up avoiding staff as much as I can,

But now I do see a change in staff that I wanted to give them a chance, but guessing since you didn't even get a single word of how you handled that,

It's just one of those things that was never helped.

Alright, if you were gotten rid of, it's possible you were making the situation worse and I got rid while I sorted it. If the man was talking to me in whisper, i'd stay in whisper. If he refused to change to whisper no matter how many times I/you/anyone told him. It makes him silly, granted. But I'm not going to just stop explaining how to do the thing.

Hell, last time I remember that situation, it was because the person didn't know how to login to the forum anyway, that was a debacle.

As for the rest, sounds like you're taking everything awfully personally. Should try to look at things more objectively in future. It's rare that things are actually intended to slam you to the floor, and when it is. It's not the right thing to do and the superiors would like to see proof of it.
Originally Posted by Icky View Post
Also, you have no idea how wrong you are. However, the areas where things were spoken about are not my areas, ask creati0n, or maybe even skul if you'd like logs of people having a chat about all that.

I remember seeing that, It'll be stored somewhere on one of my machines. IIRC it's also in a thread somewhere.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by Icky View Post

Alright, if you were gotten rid of, it's possible you were making the situation worse and I got rid while I sorted it. If the man was talking to me in whisper, i'd stay in whisper. If he refused to change to whisper no matter how many times I/you/anyone told him. It makes him silly, granted. But I'm not going to just stop explaining how to do the thing.

Hell, last time I remember that situation, it was because the person didn't know how to login to the forum anyway, that was a debacle.

As for the rest, sounds like you're taking everything awfully personally. Should try to look at things more objectively in future. It's rare that things are actually intended to slam you to the floor, and when it is. It's not the right thing to do and the superiors would like to see proof of it.

I suppose, of course I don't have screenshots since this is old but I do remember I was in whisper with him, he seemed to not be talking in public chat like yourself, I kinda let this go since you don't even remember it and not that you have to, you've just handled a lot of cases since then,

and this isn't against you entire but staff usually have this vibe where a response like this is usually made "I'm usually correct so it must've been something you did" almost to the point of being a dick to kinda get rid of the weight of possibly being wrong, I do get that a lot of people that complain end up being wrong for the most part but that just discourages people from posting a complain lt later on since there's no way to get through to staff.
I don't exist

Can't help you there. I'm having trouble picking out staff members that match that vibe. Looking at complaints board no one has any issues about complaining, even the least relevant/complainable stuff get two angry threads so clearly people feel it's a viable way to open a link with staff. (Although if people just ask an smod or up to check and see, this would be a lot quicker and less silly)
Originally Posted by Icky View Post
It's rare that things are actually intended to slam you to the floor, and when it is. It's not the right thing to do and the superiors would like to see proof of it.

What happens when it's the superiors themselves who are making the moves to tear down specific users??

everything continues as normal
Nice white text. Use [invis] tags next time.

Also, if that is the case then go directly to their superiors. Or go all the way up directly to suo or skul.