View Poll Results: Should Stellar be unbanned
46 Votes / 79.31%
12 Votes / 20.69%
Voters: 58. You may not vote on this poll
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To be honest even if he did abuse his powers, that was what...5-6 years ago?

Do unban him, doubt he is under ZT just for power abusing once.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
White collar crime should have fairly extreme punishments.

I don't think it's that deep tbh it's toribash
I like ya cut g.
I think something that happened years ago, despite the severity, should allow a return in some capacity, be it by an alt or main account but be on watch.
I never knew Stellar and probably wont but seeing how Ancient went from ZT to ES, redemption can happen to the worst of us.
Originally Posted by Nokia View Post
To be honest even if he did abuse his powers, that was what...5-6 years ago?

Do unban him, doubt he is under ZT just for power abusing once.

But you voted not to unban him
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave
Originally Posted by Moop View Post
But you voted not to unban him

Dunno why polls don't allow to change answers but ye, I clicked so fast
Originally Posted by Kmyn View Post
For anyone curious why I was banned; I was banned for power about of my TSA powers, I spawn collector packs and sold them to both Goughy and Creati0n for USD. When I came back to the forums my account was banned and I never bothered to post a ban appeal because I was genuinely burnt out with the game. That being said I understand that what I did was wrong and if I could go back 6 years I would slap myself upside the head. For those that remember me when I was around you'd know that I was extremely active and invested in the community, I would spent countless hours hosting events, leading the gamemasters, running the clan council, being clan admin, helping out as a TSA, and other duties. Please don't take this as me making any excuses for what I did, I was completely in the wrong and I'm ashamed I managed to cause the mess that I did. When Goughy brought up the idea of posting this thread I asked that he made it public because I wanted the community's response to be heard/seen. The reason for that is because I have made a lot of solid friendships over the years within this community and would like to continue being a part of it. I completely understand if my ban remains intact I would just like to formally apologize to the community for the trouble I caused years back. If you guys were to vote to bring me back I promise to try to be a good role model for the community and to help it grow and strive as I have done in the past. Thank you for your time

literally nothing is stopping you from maintaining those friendships and whatnot on the account you are currently on tho
i vote cocaine

The community definitely seems in favour of an unban. I just can't help but see this thread as an attempt to rile up the community to get you unbanned, à la Diamond. I also don't see the added value of just having the name 'Stellar' again. I don't really care what happens, but I think this thread was a bad move.
alright guy
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
White collar crime should have fairly extreme punishments.

I've been banned for almost 7 years now; I don't know how more extreme you can get. Would you like me whipped in the streets or hung up by my toes to atone?

Didn't you post nudes of yourself as well as a sex tape in wibbles? You know how a lot of people in this community are children right? That's pretty fucked up. (Wibbles or not that's disgusting and you should have been banned) Sorry, but I don't care for your opinion in the slightest because you posted porn in a forum with children. I've heard nothing but horror stories regarding you and the way you personally drive away users from this game. Yeah you heard that right, your actions are causing players to LEAVE the game

Please tell me how my "white collar crime" is worse than providing porn to random children in a community.

What about trying to help your friend with a clear mental disorder transition into a "demon", I feel like that's enabling someone to do something potentially dangerous to not only themselves but to everyone around them? Seems like you got some seriously flawed ways in thinking. (Could be the pedestal you put yourself on because you got a few staff members backing you.)

My favorite I've seen of you so far is labeling everyone that doesn't agree with you transphobic or telling them to fuck off. That mindset is so trash that people genuinely refrain from posting in threads you visit. Could you imagine avoiding part of the forums because you have to walk around on eggshells because someone is trapped in their little bubble of bullshit? It's crazy to believe that a non staff member could instill so much anxiety in others by just being themselves. Honestly bravo for that, I haven't seen that done since fistoflife starting flamming everyone thinking that his view on the gamemasters was the only viable option.

Wait I lied, my favorite is that you actually want people to be able to use the N word as long as they identify themselves a black(The fact that ya'll actually thought about having them wear a mark allowing them to say it makes me laugh). I remember seeing a certain type of people having to identify themselves back in the 40's and to be frank I see a lot of similarities between you and the person that put that in place. Like let me get this straight, you get offended by someone calling you dude/bro/brotha/buddy but you have no problems with someone using the N word which has been labeled offensive by the black community? I get that not all people are against the word but the simple fact that some do should make you stop and think that maybe it shouldn't be allowed. Or does that way of thinking only work when it's referring to something you're passionate about like gender fluidity?

TLDR: What I did was wrong, but I would go as far as to say that what you've done trumps what I have. I may have sold collector packs but at least I'm not enabling someone with a mental disorder, providing porn for children, labeling everyone with different opinions as transphobic, and overall being a disgusting human being. (You should ask around regarding how the community views you, it's pretty stellar actually)

Also because I know you may say it; no I'm not transphobic, I just think you're vile and are a lot worse for the community than I am.

Can I get a second poll to remove Maya's opinion from my thread because they're way of thinking is so heavily flawed

Originally Posted by Icky View Post
Hi stellar

Hey icky how's life treating you? I heard you're the new Stellar in town. Take that how you will though because you and I both know how I was when I was admin lol
When you reset my pw on Stellar I forgot what it was so I can't log into it. B^)

@fudgiebalz my intention wasn't to rile up the community but to more or less see how they felt regarding the situation. I became staff because I enjoyed the community, just wanted to see if they wanted me back. I wouldn't ask to get unbanned if the majority wanted me to stay gone. Though I could see where it may look like that. It's not really about having my account back (it was cleared of all items and everything else) it was more or less to see if they would accept me back.

@Chirs That's what I've been doing for the past month. Though it is a tad bit tedious to remind everyone who I am when I see them ingame I don't really mind it. As stated previously I would understand if my account stays banned, what I did was wrong. The only reason I would like for my account to be unbanned is for the fact that I've had that account for well over a decade and it's a nostalgia factor