fine by me, but not very newb friendly

ingame i met guy complaining realtoriboxing is missing.
he plays both gtboxing and realtoriboxing
Please bring back realtoriboxingmw2... GTBoxing is terrible.

All of southpaw members would like the return of it.

Sidenote: This is a complaint and why it should REMAIN THERE, toriboxing has had a bigger community in general, 3 known clans were made for it, and it is easily more skillful,more realistic when in the right mouse, and also easy to learn(I've seen MANY white belts,yellows,oranges play like they were alts, guess what, they weren't). Though it has its set of community rules which can't be forced it implies more immersion than GTBoxing and also gathers a sense of community rather than the 'deal with it' mindset GTBoxing imposes on its bodytype. I SINCERELY think that this mod, though not easy to play at first, is definitely one of the top mods i've seen and played in toribash. i've been playing this for YEARS now, and despite not 100% total activity, our total member count and bonds with several players, as well as a community that enjoys playing and chatting with each other has lasted FOR OVER 3 YEARS, all because of this mod. Seeing it disappear based on a whim like that pisses me off. This is the only reason why me and many players STILL play toribash and the only reason why I even bought TC in the first place. -snip-

Last edited by Arctic; Mar 13, 2016 at 04:33 PM. Reason: Removed insults.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Originally Posted by rjniscool1 View Post
Please bring back realtoriboxingmw2... GTBoxing is terrible.

All of southpaw members would like the return of it.

Sidenote: This is a complaint and why it should REMAIN THERE, toriboxing has had a bigger community in general, 3 known clans were made for it, and it is easily more skillful,more realistic when in the right mouse, and also easy to learn(I've seen MANY white belts,yellows,oranges play like they were alts, guess what, they weren't). Though it has its set of community rules which can't be forced it implies more immersion than GTBoxing and also gathers a sense of community rather than the 'deal with it' mindset GTBoxing imposes on its bodytype. I SINCERELY think that this mod, though not easy to play at first, is definitely one of the top mods i've seen and played in toribash. i've been playing this for YEARS now, and despite not 100% total activity, our total member count and bonds with several players, as well as a community that enjoys playing and chatting with each other has lasted FOR OVER 3 YEARS, all because of this mod. Seeing it disappear based on a whim like that pisses me off. This is the only reason why me and many players STILL play toribash and the only reason why I even bought TC in the first place. If it's not coming back, i'm sorry but I cant help but emphasise a big FUCK YOU to everyone who made it so. Fuck GTBoxing.

Extra Sidenote: If you still think GTBoxing should stay, I can 100% guarantee you're an idiot - nothing more, nothing less.

I agree with added realtoriboxing, which is why I suggested earlier gtboxing was added not replaced, however I definitely think GTBoxing shluld stay, it has about as much of a following as realtoriboxing and is arguably more competitively viable.

there is enough server space to add a realtoriboxing room so that course of action sounds most sensible
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Recently the boxing server has been replaced with gtboxing opposed to the original mod realtoriboxingmw2.tbm. It's not fair for the regulars of the original mod to not be able to play this mod. And tbf gtboxing is 1000x less skillful then realtoriboxing, in a game that is based on skill. I don't care if you add another server, but please bring back the mod.
