Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Activity check and Legendary clans news
Good morning to all of you,

Today's news have been in discussion for quite a while among the clan staff team, and today they can finally be announced to the public.

What exactly is the news?

We have 2 major news points.

Thank you all for reading, if you have any questions or objections feel free to point them out in this thread, cheers.
Last edited by duck; Jul 22, 2018 at 08:20 PM.
Welp, finally been unbanned (Granted, I was fairly banned). And I can finally make my last post.

Adios. I'm done as well. Regardless of whether or not this change gets reverted, the attitude of clan staff towards this issue has been atrocious, and I'm just tired of the crap. I've seen it with every iteration of staff, in one area or another, doing shit that I end up viewing as dumb, unwarranted, or malicious.

I've made my points, I've given my reasons, and, flaming though they may have been, I would like clan staff to know every single word of my previous posts was sincere in its effort to prevent you from going down a path that many of us feel you will regret walking. This is not going to increase activity in the long run, this is not going to help retain players from TB to TB Next, and this is not going to win you favor with your peers. Even if you don't manage to outright kill the game, you certainly haven't helped it.

Player retention will fall, even with the QOL changes to make Next easier to learn, the new player influx is not going to be as big as y'all seem to think, since Next is literally just rehashed TB, and nobody who didn't like TB is even going to give Next a passing glance. What you need is maximum retention of the old player-base right now, and this is actively hurting that.

With that, I'm good. I've said my piece, and it's up to y'all if y'all listen.

Peace out,

Last edited by Templar; Oct 12, 2018 at 09:35 PM.
can you at least give us public wushu or rk-mma if you're gonna force us to play the game
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
Originally Posted by WorldEater View Post
honestly i'm surprised they haven't wiped out red and blue yet

red/blue were decent ideas but probably should have launched off the back of a wave of new players, perhaps after steam release or tb:next if it happens

its something which can only amplify existing excitement; the 20 people who care about clans right now gain nothing from it
Since these days clans get killed like mosquitoes, could we at least keep the date of when the clan was founded? I mean, scrolling down the clan list and seeing Origin founded on july 2018 is depressing.
Good afternoon.

To start off, I apologize for how most of the upkeep in this thread has been handled. Some points went ignored, some we couldn't find a common ground to end up on.
I haven't been nearly the best at dealing with everything going on in this thread and decided to wait until I had something substantial to say before responding.

Nevertheless, I've scoured the thread since the post announcing the first official check and I'm now going to respond to the major points being brought up:

  • "Official was seen as something you get and then keep because checks were lenient"

    I understand that some people may have settled into the worry-free clan life because, as said, clan checks used to be very lenient and seldom happened.
    While this can explain why you would be upset, it does not excuse the general non-activity seen in clans today.
    I've previously said that passing our checks is not hard. This is still what I believe, but after a while I realized I was making a mistake thinking it was just the player's fault.
    This was mostly brought on, in our minds, by previous clan staff who accommodated inactivity due to lenient activity checks.
    Becoming used to that lifestyle and then being expected to be active in, well, almost any shape and form can be harder than we imagined.
    I realize I made a mistake in my thinking and I do sincerely apologize. I'd like to move on to the next point to talk about a related issue, and possibly a way to amend the situation.

  • "We are being blackmailed to play the game without any rewards"

    At first, I found this comment ridiculous and stood my ground on the opinion that no matter what rewards exist or not, a reasonable standard for checks should be in place.
    This was the opinion that also made us launch the checks. After a good while of thinking about it and trying to see it from your eyes as best as I can, I realized the mistake.
    A reward scheme was in the works about a month after the checks were first announced, but we didn't prioritize it as much in that time.
    As said, we deemed the regulation of the checks as more important than the rewards.
    We still believe that this regulation has long since been needed, but I see now that it definitely should have been preceeded by, or gone hand in hand with the reward scheme.

    To progress from that, we have officially launched our Perk Shop project. I won't get into the nitty-gritty of it here, but there is a thread covering all the important info here: "Clan Perk Points and Shop"
    For questions, please use the thread and we'll answer everything to the best of our abilities. We want this project to be heavily influenced by the community, so we are open to hearing about any and all suggestions you have for the shop itself or additional perks.
    I recognize that this should have come sooner, and I apologize. I can only hope that we can use it now to make sure activity is both kept at a standard and properly rewarded.

  • "Clan discords should be counted towards activity"

    This one is also somewhat tricky. As mentioned, IRC checks used to be a thing, but were also dropped before my time as lead. With IRC, the argument could be made that there is still somewhat of an association with Toribash.
    But Discord is entirely removed from the community. It does not sit on any sort of toribash server, it's not officially recognized as a Toribash platform.
    Not only that, but monitoring activity is somewhat of a pest. For one, measuring activity with an outside bot is not exactly the most reliable system. Clan ranks in discords are random, some people don't even have a set clan rank.
    Having a bot that's in the hands of someone else in your discord server might be an unappealing idea for some. And it would most likely be very easy to manipulate.

    All inn all, it boils down to the fact that discord is too removed from the community for us to spend nearly as many resources on trying to count it towards activity as it might require.

  • "SP clans are getting the short end of the stick"

    This is a troublesome one. On one hand, it's true. If a clan's entire activity comes from SP, there's virtually no way to accurately see that.
    I was pointed out this point before the first check ran and the best way I could measure SP activity is by seeing if clan members have been posting replays.
    Unfortunately, that is basically the best we have at this point in time. On the other hand, SP clans are also a very fringe case, as not a lot of activity in general is coming from singleplayer.
    In any case, if your clan's activity does mostly come from singleplayer, please make sure you are posting replays to the Replays board so I can take that into account.

As far as I can see, these have been the biggest points of contention with this change. I am truly sorry that I didn't take the time to respond to your concerns sooner and that I handled this poorly.
I hope my answers to your worries are sufficient, but I'm ready to hear anything you have to say. I'll do my best to learn from this situation and to better my approach in the future.
Originally Posted by duck View Post
Good afternoon.

  • "We are being blackmailed to play the game without any rewards"

    To progress from that, we have officially launched our Perk Shop project. I won't get into the nitty-gritty of it here, but there is a thread covering all the important info here: "Clan Perk Points and Shop"
    For questions, please use the thread and we'll answer everything to the best of our abilities. We want this project to be heavily influenced by the community, so we are open to hearing about any and all suggestions you have for the shop itself or additional perks.
    I recognize that this should have come sooner, and I apologize. I can only hope that we can use it now to make sure activity is both kept at a standard and properly rewarded.

    Make sure you get rewards for winning a war as well, as they apparently hold a key factor in being active.
    Warring is really boring atm, since nobody cares about clan ranks in the clan list.

    You were way ahead of me it seems.

  • "Clan discords should be counted towards activity"

    This one is also somewhat tricky. As mentioned, IRC checks used to be a thing, but were also dropped before my time as lead. With IRC, the argument could be made that there is still somewhat of an association with Toribash.
    But Discord is entirely removed from the community. It does not sit on any sort of toribash server, it's not officially recognized as a Toribash platform.
    Not only that, but monitoring activity is somewhat of a pest. For one, measuring activity with an outside bot is not exactly the most reliable system. Clan ranks in discords are random, some people don't even have a set clan rank.
    Having a bot that's in the hands of someone else in your discord server might be an unappealing idea for some. And it would most likely be very easy to manipulate.

    All in all, it boils down to the fact that discord is too removed from the community for us to spend nearly as many resources on trying to count it towards activity as it might require.

    Maybe bring back a bit of a manual check. If a clan is in the yellow/red, check their discord. A lot of clans simply play with each other, disregarding the forum. Just check em up and see if they're talking about toribash on an active level or not. An active sparrer might actually be active in the game, just not playing enough games/posting enough on the forums for the activity check.

  • "SP clans are getting the short end of the stick"

    This is a troublesome one. On one hand, it's true. If a clan's entire activity comes from SP, there's virtually no way to accurately see that.
    I was pointed out this point before the first check ran and the best way I could measure SP activity is by seeing if clan members have been posting replays.
    Unfortunately, that is basically the best we have at this point in time. On the other hand, SP clans are also a very fringe case, as not a lot of activity in general is coming from singleplayer.
    In any case, if your clan's activity does mostly come from singleplayer, please make sure you are posting replays to the Replays board so I can take that into account.

    This is something we have to figure out.
    Post a thread asking for suggestions, and give a few perk points to the one who comes up with a decent one.

Good read from you, pushed my views in red.
Last edited by Swepples; Oct 14, 2018 at 01:41 PM.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Originally Posted by Swepples View Post

"Maybe bring back a bit of a manual check. If a clan is in the yellow/red, check their discord. A lot of clans simply play with each other, disregarding the forum. Just check em up and see if they're talking about toribash on an active level or not. An active sparrer might actually be active in the game, just not playing enough games/posting enough on the forums for the activity check."

This is something that was considered, but ultimately dropped because of the mix of the two reasonings which made us not count it in the first place.
It's not a Toribash platform, it would be too hard to try and measure and reward discord activity, so we unfortunately won't be taking it into account then.

"This is something we have to figure out.
Post a thread asking for suggestions, and give a few perk points to the one who comes up with a decent one"

What I've described is, so far, the best way we had. If we actively get people to post in the Replays board, we can figure out a way to automatically check for replays being posted, so that should be a good way to measure SP activity.
Feel free to post in S&I if any other ideas come to mind, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Originally Posted by duck View Post
As far as I can see, these have been the biggest points of contention with this change.

There was another major point. Inactive ranks. The bot not taking inactive ranks into accounts means that some clans (primarily older clans, as it turns out) need to have more active people than others to stay official. That shouldn't be the case.

There's an easy fix to this which doesn't involve editing the automated program. All we need to do is take the clan that passed the activity check with the lowest amount of people playing and cross-reference that against all the other failing clans - If a clan fails and has the same or more people active than previously mentioned successful clan, auto-pass that failing clan.

Put simply, if a clan manages to pass with 6 people playing (by virtue of their small roster), then ANY clan that has 6 or more people playing should pass as well.
Last edited by Ele; Oct 14, 2018 at 03:34 PM.