Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
3D Item Submissions
Hello boys, girls, and animal kind, boy do I have a special surprise for you! Gynx, Icky and I have been looking into ways to allow users to create their very own 3D items. Over the last couple months we’ve been working on a plan to allow us to meet this goal, whilst also retaining the value of existing 3D items, and preventing people from erecting 30,000 poly dick helmets. After much deliberation, we have come up with and implemented the following plan.

Allow users to make 3D items! These users may submit their item to the Item Forgers for review and approval, then may choose to do one of the following:
  • Offer to let us sell the item on the ToriShop, in exchange they get to keep a free copy for themselves, they’ll also receive a special copy of the item that mentions they were the creator of it. Additionally, users will receive 5% of the TC earned through the items sale.
  • They ask to keep it for themselves, however they must pay a certain amount of USD to the Nabi Profile Customization Store. Items still must be approved by the Item Forgers even if it's just for themself, no cocks, shlingshlongs or squiglydicklys I'm afraid.

All items submitted to us will go through a screening process to make sure they are up to par with existing items, are not stolen, and don’t infringe on existing exclusive items. We will not allow users to create items too similar to items previously awarded as prizes for Clan League, Legend, etc.

You may click the link below to be redirected to the 3D Item Submission thread where you can get all the details!


Ezeth also made a tutorial for importing items into the game. Feel free to look thread if you want to learn.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
However there are no tutorial for the rest of the body, maybe someone can be a hero and make one, or at least a template for each part.

Currently submitted and undergoing Processing


Last edited by AssassinPro; Jun 6, 2017 at 02:17 PM.

Originally Posted by BigDog View Post
No, currently no items can be made for only one person unless that person is a legend.

Pretty sure you're wrong. Read the OP
Originally Posted by Orko View Post
They ask to keep it for themselves, however they must pay a certain amount of USD to the Nabi Profile Customization Store. Items still must be approved by the Item Forgers even if it's just for themself, no cocks, shlingshlongs or squiglydicklys I'm afraid.

I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
well the size of the head in maya is 0.2 0.2 0.2 in scale xyz which I mentioned in my tutorial yes
http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=492531 might be the same in blender, not sure

However there are no tutorial for the rest of the body, maybe someone can be a hero and make one, or at least a template for each part.

very helpful, thanks ^.^ Would it be possible to throw this in a more visible place to prevent it being frequently asked or noh?
Tim is bae :3
Originally Posted by Rouxster View Post
Pretty sure you're wrong. Read the OP

I think he was asking if the IF team could make an item for him.
So do this count as a 3d thing you can buy? Like a full 3d set?

This isn't mine, someone created this 3d set, but he gave it out for free, i'm just saying my thought about it.

Large pic

I did the picture
Necrobumping Elite Master - ps dont tell Fred
jag såg de där https://gyazo.com/2bb5d1c33d72abf6549b5558c54c9fa8
This sounds great, is there a tutorial for making 3d items for Toribash? Also is there a limit to how any items we submit? Like what if we wanted to make 10 different items for a specific set.
Originally Posted by Keshava View Post
This sounds great, is there a tutorial for making 3d items for Toribash? Also is there a limit to how any items we submit? Like what if we wanted to make 10 different items for a specific set.

Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
well the size of the head in maya is 0.2 0.2 0.2 in scale xyz which I mentioned in my tutorial yes
http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=492531 might be the same in blender, not sure

However there are no tutorial for the rest of the body, maybe someone can be a hero and make one, or at least a template for each part.

Also yes you're free to make a set of items.
Originally Posted by Miracle11 View Post
So do this count as a 3d thing you can buy? Like a full 3d set?

This isn't mine, someone created this 3d set, but he gave it out for free, i'm just saying my thought about it.

Large pic

I did the picture

Originally Posted by Rouxster View Post
The guy that made those released it to the public here:

Now !
That 3D Set will be released soon, Ive PM Icky !
so, u can't steal that 3D Set for realeased to the Ingame cuz im the Creator
i feld proud of my self
thx Rouxster and Miracle11,
u're supporting me
Nice Pic BTW

BTW, that was my 1st cool 3D creation, the best thing that i've made

Im Proud of myself as a n00b

One more thing,

now im working out of new 3D Set !
The set need's full transparent texture
It will change Toribash soooooooooooo A LOT !
Robot too
2nd 3D Set
3rd 3D Set ---> probably ill make creature

2nd 3D Set ---> now im working on it, i made the texture of tori transparent, and then make new model, that means---------------------------------> Changing the Tori Model looks like

2nd and 3rd, probably ill make the cost 1.000.000 Tc
( Ill discuss with Icky after i made it )

of course with 3D Robo Torso !

( It's hard man ! )
Last edited by Dumbn00b; Dec 5, 2016 at 01:44 PM.
well probaly...
we need "3D Item's"
at the market board.
we make 3D Item/ 3D Set ---> post a thread ---> sell the custom folder
probable wee need that :V
Tag's is same like art/texture board