I really don't care, we could post a thread for all it's worth. But on the other hand I doubt that many people we've never had contact with would consider joining, seeing how we're such a close knit group. I'm very open with new people and all that jazz, but it could seem off putting, how we've basically been the same platoon for years. On the other hand, another new guy could be cool, like Ikua said. (Never going to adopt that name, lmao)
We can see what we feel like doing eventually. I'm sure that people that are bold enough to try apply would usually be half decent people.

Accept me for who I am fgt. :<
New people would be nice.
I would give it a try. How about a thread where we ask for apllications in clan forums
Good evening! I am Wizard and I am on a hunt for my home in a clan. I think I have found Addicted to be a lovely place that I think I can fit in very easily.

I am Wizard and you can call me whatever you'd like. I am a mostly happy person with lots of stupidness. I am mostly active ingame, but I visit the forum and irc daily. I love to talk with people and have fun conversations. I guess you could say that I am a very social person. I do have other ways of contact as in Email and Skype. If you want either of those Pm me.

As for talents I am starting to practice and mess around in free play. I enjoy making replays even though I am not the best. I also am trying to get back into art and shiz. Note that I am not the best at any of these things I just really enjoy them.

Other info:
I live in the Proud and Phat country of The United States of America.
My Timezone is -6 CST (Central)
Ask for my Skype or anything else.
Ps. I was sorta in a rush with this app, I apologize if it's not very well put together.

Attached Files
Hmm Decent Not good.rpl (170.9 KB, 6 views)
Save!!!.rpl (68.7 KB, 4 views)


Hello [Addicted], I'll just leave this baby right here.

My Life
The name is Marvin and I'm a 16 year old from the land of the rising sun uh I mean the land of "the food here very good I tell you no bluff you try lah", and that is Malaysia. (You'd probably know where country is located, but just in case, use Google. Also, my GMT is +8:00.) I am a very inspirational, creative, funny, determined and kind-hearted type of person. I am a huge fan of Football Anime. I've been watching it since last year for the very reason of my friend asking me to watch Boku no Pico. But I didn't watch it. (until very later, of course. And I enjoyed it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) My very favorites are Kyousou Giga, Gatchaman Crowds, ~LUCKY STAR!~, K-ON!, Freezing, Toradora, Battle Girls: Time Paradox and the list goes on and on... And I've never watched a single Ghibli Studios movie yet, so yeah... (Go ahead, shun me if you must.) You may call me an introvert or a hikkikomori since I don't really have any hobbies except eating, sleeping, playing video games and sitting down here on my computer writing this application. Speaking of video games, I might as well talk about it. Or should I say, talking about the number of consoles I have/had which includes a Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advanced, Gameboy SP, Nintendo DSi XL, PSP (X5), PS1, PS2 and a PS3. As for music, I'm mostly into rock, some beat and pretty much anything in Japanese. Like for examples (look down).


Toribash Profile
Since some of you guys don't really get into playing the game anymore (same goes for me...), that means my profile is completely irrelevant whatsoever, but I'll tell you anyway. All you need to know is that I can't make decent replays, rusty at playing, am just forum-based guy and I've been in clans like (Zone), [nao], [Frost], [Suki] and [Liquor] (But some, of course, using other accounts because I liked to make to a new acc every single time before I stumbled upon this beautiful name). And that's about it.

That is all I have to say, thank you for your time. (If you guys need my Skype, just ask.)


~Shook Shrook
Last edited by Shrook; Dec 12, 2014 at 08:21 AM.
I present before you a challenge:
Get on #addicted and don't get banned by bust3r

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
I present before you a challenge:
Get on #addicted and don't get banned by bust3r

Last edited by Shrook; Dec 12, 2014 at 07:07 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Okay, since the given challenge was a bit too hard (Wizard03 didn't try I think but the result would've been similiar), we have designed a simpler task for you: an entrance exam.

PM me or post here to receive it (I'll send it via PM), from the moment I send it you will have 24h to respond with your answers. Revealing the exam anywhere will lead to you being blacklisted, so please don't.

If you pass the exam, you will be accepted as trial members unless there is an important argument against it (such as you being serial child rapist/killer).

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos