Your taste in rap is pretty... questionable...

Have something good instead:

EDIT: Oh also the best video prize should go to this gem:
Last edited by flxy; Jul 17, 2014 at 02:50 PM.
All pretty fucking solid flxy, nice taste. I also listen to better stuff. I just like his vibe. Thank Maple for showing me this dude.

I'll listen to flxy's list later, but if we're talking of questionable rap taste, I like death grips:

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by flXy View Post
Your taste in rap is pretty... questionable...

Danke, I aim to please.


No metal right now, cause I'm not in the mood for it.
Anyway, I was supposed to comment on posts, so:

@Dying in the pussy
nope, don't like

@Flxy's last post:
Most of it was much mehier than previous things given here, although Chima & Clem Beat'z - After All This Time was pretty cool.

First track from Yelawolf was OK, I need to give the other one a listen yet, I'm almost interested.

HOPSIN track was great. I really enjoyed it, to the point where I am willing to check out his other works.

My Darkest Days - mehhhhhh, boring rock. I don't like rock and this one's pretty boring, no from me.
Fit For Rivals - if I gouge my eyes out then it's relatively handleable and catchy, but nothing too special really.

So, for my own musicspam, I was thinking of giving something different, like classical music, but pretty much anybody would recognize stuff like Dvorak's new world (which I had on mind) + it's long, so I decided not to. Thus I will give the classical option of soft metal and weaboo shit.

The soft (for me) metal tier. It's great track from a great album (one of my 2013 faves), from a great band. Thanks to it not being over-the-top hardeviledgy it's good for sharing I think.


[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Aika found me online, what a rare occasion!
He told me to come check in here again, so here I am.

I'll just go by albums, now.
These are my favorites at the moment:

Melancholic, psychedelic and very awesome.
You've probably heard this before but it's still one of my favorites.
Great in the summer.

Favorite song from the album:

Electric, new classic and sick as well.
Listen this on lonesome strolls.
The beginning of the album is quite hard, the rest is soothing.

Favorite song of the album (although you should listen to the entire album, it's one continues song):

Electronic, soothing, melodic, atmospheric.
Listen to this at sunset or when you want to relax.

Favorite song of the album (You will probably not like this song immediately):

Will keep it at this for now.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
I neither had the time nor was in mood to listen to full albums, but I checked out the singled out songs/tracks.

1st was OK, not exactly my taste, but I guess I'll give the album a try in my free time.
2nd track was even moreso not my taste, even though I generally enjoy electronic music. It was a bit too "bland" for me, drony, repetitive, leaving me somewhat bored. Not interested in the whole album.
3rd track I liked a whole lot. Definitely my fave of the three and I will check the album in free time sometime later tonight. I have hard time describing what I like about it so much but it just feels pleasant when I listen to it.

Now I'll post some awful terrible shit - on the other hand very alternative, avantgarde, weird and just... it's black metal played using hammered dulcimer, vocals and drums. No guitars. For non-metalheads this might be a funny experimental effort at most, but for me, apart from the "what the fuck" value the songs are really nice earworms.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Tycho is fucking boss. Love the style. Although I kinda liked Dive more than Awake the first listen. Maybe I just need to listen to it some more.

edit; listened to all of your shit Alphasonik; nice taste.
Last edited by Nobuddie; Jul 20, 2014 at 12:25 PM.
Thanks! Here's some more for the summer.

Something completely different, he's Dutch, like me. Going to be a hit this summer.

For in the evening:

I'm looking for more indie bands, curious to see if you know some that I don't!
Will check in here regularly.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.