Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by Cough View Post
wait...but this will only encourage farmers more to try to get 100 wins.
i dont think i've ever gotten 100 wins in a day, my high is like 40 or something

No, no.
You got it figured all wrong.
You don't have to play 100 games to start winning 10 TC per match/or whatever rate with a booster.
You can only earn that rate of TC for 100 games. After those last 100 matches, you won't be able to win anymore TC from the servers until the next day.

Originally Posted by Nolanrules View Post
Hey just wondering, can't farmers make multiple accounts and get tons of wins and when one account is out they switch to another? Or when 100 wins is up it can tell your ip so the persons other accounts can't get tc.

Originally Posted by MegaCash View Post
I was just about to say this. Itll just put up the amounts of spambots

The point of this feature is to lessen the effects of things such as this. We can't really ever completely stop people from making multiple accounts and doing what isn't meant for them to do.
I like this new rule.
Well, an obvious one is that it stops farmers.

But this will make TC worth more in-game since it takes more effort to get it, thus boosting economy prices and making your Tori more unique and valuable, since you'd technically need more effort to buy it.

Hampa has won yet again.
Originally Posted by Vulc View Post
Lol gg guys. Good anti farm measure. Is it just 1000 tc from winnings or can you win 100 tournies in a day?

First off, "gg" or "good game" doesn't exactly apply here. And you can't win 100 tournies in 100 games, so no. Once you get 100 wins you're done. As far as winnings from the tourney. I would assume you could win as many as you can, and still get the 500 or 750tc. But not the other 10tc with the win. And good luck winning 100 in a day anyways.
Because actually coding in more sophisticated anti-farming measures might take work.

But hey, inelegant blanket restrictions all the way.
Buy TC for a great price here! http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=240345
Buy VIP and Toriprime for a great price here! http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=237249

Hey look more than two lines.
Inelegance does not imply ineffectiveness.

I fail to see your suggestion for a more elegant anti-farming measure as well. Do share with the rest of the class.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Originally Posted by Mike2k5 View Post
This is pretty fucked up nabi is kinda forcing to buy tc. and the rich fags only make more profit of it but whatever ...

It's odd that you say that, when I can clearly see that you haven't won more than 20 games a day in the past three months. In other words, you're not even close to being affected by the limit.

And please, do explain how this profits rich users? Or were you, as I suspect, just making something up to supplement your already-weak argument?

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Eh, I don't see the problem of this, you'd have to play pretty much all day to even have played 100 games. I can't really remember the last time ice actually earned tc from winning matches. Before my pc got messed up, I played toribash for the majority of my day and only won 30-50 matches. If you do win 100 matches in a day, go fight in tourneys, it'll help you improve as a player and you'll also earn more tv in fewer matches (as long as you win )

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Originally Posted by KickingAss View Post
Lovin' this. Who would play 100 games per anyways? *cough*farmers*cough*.

Not only that, play and win

As suo pointed out, 99% of the users aren't even close to 100 wins per day.
Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
Inelegance does not imply ineffectiveness.

I fail to see your suggestion for a more elegant anti-farming measure as well. Do share with the rest of the class.

Passively monitor (but not store for more than say, 10 games) length of games in terms of actual seconds: if there is a trend of short ones, start logging game length, and win ratio as well. A perfect 50/50 or a highly disproportionate ratio would lead to an automatic notification of all staff/gms/whoever you want. (More advanced scripts might scramble it up to avoid an incriminating ratio, so a staff ability to look in a server without showing up in the queue would also be very useful).

Buy TC for a great price here! http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=240345
Buy VIP and Toriprime for a great price here! http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=237249

Hey look more than two lines.