Original Post
Rainbow Set
This auction is closed. Autobought by mrhakemei. this is a cool rainbow set. ill be auctioning it off. Starting Bid: 1000 tc Minimum Raise:100 tc Autobuy:5000 tc. i think it would go well with something like demon joints... EDIT: forgot to put a end date in. ok then the auction will end on the first of september. unless someone autobuys

Edit: the final winner of the set (autobuy or not) can pay an extra 1k for the rainbow trails i made. heres a picture

Last edited by Spinos; Aug 25, 2009 at 10:54 AM.
where is rainbows?:S

User has been warned for this post.
Last edited by Chozo; Aug 23, 2009 at 03:17 AM.
ill take it!

but whats an autobuy?

Posts merged. Please use the edit button instead of double posting in the future/
Last edited by Chozo; Aug 23, 2009 at 03:10 AM.
If you read the thread you will notice that the autobuy is 5,000 Toricredits. I would also advise you to use the edit button instead of posting twice in a row, not back seat modding just helping the guy out.
Your auction needs an end date, otherwise the thread may be subject of closure.

Please add an end date. Thank you.
ok i put an end date in. remember u can still autobuy. btw whats the best way to send the items to a person
mrhakumei. did u know how to transfer toricredits? if yes, do it. if not. enter in The torishop then. click in transfer toricredits. u send the 5k and he send u the set. if u dont understand me contact KiTfoX.
remember mrhakumei u have to have the plain textures bought first before u by my set. otherwise it wont work