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Photoshop CS4
Ok, so I recently got Photoshop CS4.
See the problem is I got told that if you are familiar with gimp tools you should have no problem with Photoshop CS4. Unfortunately I am in a need of assistance.
So this is my few questions to GATA members who use this program.

1. What is really the difference between Gimp 2.6 and Photoshop CS4 (advantages or disadvantages)
2. Is there a way to make a custom toolbox in Photoshop CS4

Maybe more questions to come.
McBurger, just use CS4 for a while, you'll get used to it.
If there are any things in particular that you want to know feel free to ask.
I haven't used GIMP except for the spinny's so I don't know the pro's/con's.
But I know Photoshop is much more powerful.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
photoshop is better. thats the difference. :P

layout is cleaner and prettier, and more user friendly.

theres a quick way to do everything.

did i mention its better?
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Well to be honest I've had gimp and Cs4
I've been practicing for ages on cs4 and frankly I'm still better of with Gimp

It's simpler than cs4 in my eyes
for what you do, maybe, but soon as you start using more features, cs4 comes into its element.
have a look at some of nuthugs art in the RAWR forum and other places, and you'll see what i mean
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Personaly I use photoshop alot more then gimp.

Its easier faster and quicker and looks alot more nice.

And have many functions to use in order to get your work done .
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it completely depends on which program you are used to.

i like photoshop more cause the layout is more user friendly like bend said.

even though i got pretty used to gimp before i got PS, i can't use it well now :O
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Photoshop is generally more powerful.
You just cant do everything you can do with photoshop, with GIMP.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
I've been using PS for a good couple years and have used gimp in the past. Although being good for a freeprogram, gimp just isn't as powerful as PS like mentioned. I recently made a tut for a head I made in PS but made sure gimp users could do it too and everything had to be dumbed down so much for gimp to handle it.

It's like having a race between a F1car and the Flintstones-mobile but Fred's has square wheels on.
It's worth taking on the short learning curve, you'l find it's better. Although I actually prefer CS3, CS4 eats more pc juice and the 3d side is abit to be desired lol.

But the main reason to switch to PS would be the brush settings, gimp is in the same boat as mspaint in comparison to PhotoShop's Brush customization in my opinion.
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