Original Post
[HEAD] Head Texture

Its been a while that I have made a new head.

Here's another new head I made for a long while for now.

Warning : Due to the lost of this file,this head cannot be sold anymore!

New Logo Attempt

Last edited by iNoTo; Nov 22, 2009 at 01:09 AM.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
why does the logo say DT?

i like the head pretty much, though i would want it to spin
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maybe DT mean DeaThsoldi.i like the head and upload the spinny one so people can see it better
The problem is ......... I lost the flat image while making it to a spining globe in PHotoshop CS 4!

But im gonna make the logo wit ha diffrent name like DS,But more simpler not to crowded with effects.

Realy a logo schould just be a simple thing.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
yeah the logo is too messy. Like try to aim for using 3 or less different colors, including different shades.

It's a shame the head file was lost.
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No wonder the logo was only done in 15 mins lmao.

Im gonna make another logo but cleaner and simple.

Since I will need one in the future when im posting my pixel works.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |