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Shovel Counters?
Hi, I want to know some good moves to counter Shovels. In Aikido.
!iCoF4Life Since 01-01-2011!
|Marketeer - Sorta|

Might help, might not, truth, shovels tend to push you out, so counter by doing twists and moving joints around to shovel back unless they have important joins you can't afford to lose.
I tend to counter it very simple with my standard opener which is relax all, contract pecs and wrists.
When oppenent shovels I just turn quickly to left or right so shovel guy grabs his own hands.
Then I just need to lift him up, extending the contracted wrists helps a lot here, and tada.
Works perfectly fine for me.

You can also counter shovels by leaning backwards, the momentum will lift them up.

Kicks work too, just kick against their legs so they lose balance.

ORRR counter the shovel with a shovel. All you need to do is do the simple shovel move and the raise your arms while turning your chest and using your abs to get a better momentum than your opponent.
I'd go for the shoulders. If you fracture their shoulders, they can't lift you at all.
Another thing I've been able to do to a shovler is like GHB said, kick their legs, and make them lose balance. Then you grab the opponent yourself, and extend your pecs, hips, and go for a suplex.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

What I do is stay all relax for 2 turns(well hold the ankles) on the 3rd turn hold all then bend your legs backward and turn to the left or right. then use the arm on the opposite side of the turn and push it that way. This doesn't sound very clear probably, but here are two replay examples. Of course your opponent will probably move when he sees the potential shovel fail, but by then you'll have them up in the air.
Attached Files
shovelwin1.rpl (24.9 KB, 11 views)
shovelwin2.rpl (35.5 KB, 16 views)
I am a terrible person :(