Original Post
New leader?
I was just wondering, with Ice gone, will there be a new leader position open?

a *ehem* friend of mine was wondering XD

it's up to you guys (Del and Hanz) whether you want to keep it at two, or expand it once again to 3.
Former Item Forger
We're going to leave it as is, with just Hanz and I. Adding a new leader would lead some jealous, and would create more leader drama.

Hanz and I agree on most things, and for things we strongly disagree on, if that ever happens, we can ask for a clan vote.

Also, I changed the thread title for clarity.
As Delaid said we've agreed (wewt) to leave it as the two of us. As he also said, we figured that should there ever be a major disagreement we leave it to the rest of the clan to act as our "third" leader.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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