Original Post
full texture set [50k-75k]
Ok so, I just bought my self a FULL texture set (all except the ground ^.^)

Since Ima nerd, I thought the theme should be swords, helmet(mideval style ^.^) with very decorative tribals incorperated into it

on the back side of the arm span put Me ga Ne rd
what im describing is my name going across my back, so Me (left arm) ga (left bicep) Ne (right bicep) rd (right arm) and the font should be kind of a Mael style (you can find it, and a download of it, here: http://www.1001fonts.com/font_details.html?font_id=2604)

Details of the armor:
there should be plated armor (dark mottled brass color, also kind of specked with blood and dirt)
near the end of the limbs the plate armor should kinda fade away and lead to shredded chainmail.
when i say "very decorative tribals incorperated into it" I mean that it should look as if the tribals were engraved into the plate armor.
The trails should look like dark mud mixed with blood (transparent where there is no mud/blood)
on the side of each leg, you could put a long sword that stretches from the top of the thigh, to the bottom of the shin
the helmet should have horns on the top of it Like the image below, but with horns

(sry about the size)

I will pay you with epic proportions (up to 150k >: D) if everything is done perfectly. but if it is an adequate job, i will pay 50k - 75k

the deadline is August 10th
for 2 reasons:
to give you enough time for this enourmous request
and to give me enough time to gather the monies

Please say something if you are going to work on this

Last edited by meganerd30; Jul 5, 2008 at 12:56 AM.
umm, although i don't have textures i don't think you can have horns poking out of the helmet on toribash man!
genital warriors PLAY NOW!
rape fighting game

he means put horns on it and try there best to look REAL
thats the point of the horns
and its obvious that you cant have horns sticking out >:|
Ishi4admin Wh-ORMO
The best horns I've done are on A0Xr's head.

Anyways this should be an interesting set. Hopefully some of the better armor-makers come out to show their stuff o_o

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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