Endurance Onslaught 6.0
You know, if El turns emo and cuts his wrists, we all know who to blame.


It gets funnier every time i read it.
Let me abuse this thread for another little "funny" IRC evening. Drunk people at the computer ftw!

<Shin-Ryu> i think something si oging right way
<Shin-Ryu> the alcvo is stawrting tow ork
<Galrath> LOL
<Shin-Ryu> itrid to do awatar in brlender
<Shin-Ryu> i ned to erad sonem tuts
<Sebsebeleb> lololo at drunk Ryu xD
<Galrath> xD
<Shin-Ryu> :O(
<Galrath> teh claohol semest to wokr, he hryu=?
<Shin-Ryu> dwonbt lol at me
<Galrath> haha, god this is funny.
<Sebsebeleb> xD
<Shin-Ryu> swure its does
<Sebsebeleb> dwonbt instead of nobdoubt xD
<Sebsebeleb> swure it does funny?
<Sebsebeleb> xD
<Shin-Ryu> adns i dhave 3 bers lesft
<Shin-Ryu> tghois sontg pwens
<Shin-Ryu> KURWA!~
<Sebsebeleb> xD
<Shin-Ryu> fuxing typhos
<Sebsebeleb> lolo
<Shin-Ryu> I;n goyin tovibash

just a little update from CMon:

03[00:13] * CMon ([email protected]) has joined #promo-team
03[00:13] * seekrit sets mode: +v CMon
[00:19] <@Shin-Ryuu> hey CMon;]
[00:19] <+CMon> huie
03[00:24] * CMon is now known as cMON
03[00:24] * cMON is now known as CMon
[00:28] <ash|away> Hello
03[00:28] * ash|away is now known as ashaltaf
[00:29] <+CMon> hi
01[00:30] <@evil|beer> hi cmon
[00:35] <+CMon> giu7
[00:35] <+CMon> '*hi
01[00:35] <@evil|beer> giu7?
[00:36] <@Shin-Ryuu> cmon
[00:36] <@Shin-Ryuu> drunk much
[00:36] <@Shin-Ryuu> ?
[00:36] <+CMon> stuf
[00:36] <+CMon>
[00:36] <@Shin-Ryuu>
[00:36] <+CMon> I didn't mean to it sjuts got that way
[00:36] <+CMon> after serving (part time jkob=
[00:36] <@Shin-Ryuu>
[00:36] <+CMon> I was allowed to drink whatever alcholoh I wanted
[00:37] <@Shin-Ryuu> oh shi-!
[00:37] <+CMon> and I drank all that's leftr
[00:37] <+CMon> a friend drove me home
[00:37] <+CMon> *drived
[00:37] <+CMon> no wati
01[00:37] <@evil|beer> lol
[00:37] <+CMon> *drove
01[00:37] <@evil|beer> hahaha
[00:37] <@Shin-Ryuu> olol
06[00:37] * @Shin-Ryuu pats CMon
[00:37] <+CMon> tahnks
[00:37] <+CMon> *THS
01[00:37] <@evil|beer> oke this log is getting published
[00:37] <+CMon> ćTSDA
[00:37] <+CMon> lol
[00:37] <+CMon> no!
[00:37] <@Shin-Ryuu> omfg
[00:37] <+CMon> D:
[00:37] <+CMon> xD
01[00:38] <@evil|beer> no?
[00:38] <+CMon> k
[00:38] <+CMon> I want to see it to morrwo?
[00:38] <+CMon> !
[00:38] <+CMon> .D¨
[00:38] <+CMon> fpewsa
[00:38] <@Shin-Ryuu> shiure
[00:39] <@Shin-Ryuu> but are you sure you want to see it?
[00:39] <+CMon> wat
[00:39] <+CMon> it's not pictures
[00:39] <@Shin-Ryuu> log
[00:39] <+CMon> i know its ok i guess
[00:39] <+CMon> řpl
[00:39] <+CMon> ko0j
[00:39] <+CMon> lpl
[00:39] <+CMon> lol
[00:39] <@Shin-Ryuu> xD
[00:39] <+CMon> concentrating is harrd
01[00:41] <@evil|beer> then dont
[00:42] <+CMon> oks
[00:42] <+CMon> ok¨
[00:42] <+CMon> kok
[00:42] <+CMon> ok
[00:42] <+CMon> ćććl
[00:43] <+CMon> im such a koser
[00:43] <+CMon> why am i stiting on irc
[00:43] <+CMon> thare's a thousand girls out there that wnats me
[00:43] <@Shin-Ryuu> go gettem!!
[00:43] <+CMon> ...maybe not in my crurent state thoug
[00:46] <@Shin-Ryuu> CMon gtfo sleep
[00:46] <+CMon> lol
[00:46] <@Shin-Ryuu> <33
[00:46] <+CMon> not tired
[00:47] <+CMon> alsoi pee
[00:47] <+CMon> big repecrcussinon
[00:47] <ashaltaf> I feel like making a video.
[00:47] <@Shin-Ryuu> i feel like drinking another beer
03[00:49] * Ishi ([email protected]) has joined #promo-team
03[00:49] * seekrit sets mode: +o Ishi
[00:49] <&seekrit> [Ishi] owut
[00:51] <+CMon> lkjed
[00:56] <ashaltaf> He Ishi.
[00:56] <ashaltaf> Hey*
01[00:57] <@evil|beer> hi ishi
02[01:02] * +CMon ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Shut up.)
I'm not only one that's drunk on IRC \o/
<evil> srsly people forgot that most part of toribash community is douchebags... lead by shin