Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Who was your first love?
Who was your first love? What made you interested of her/he? Did she/he love you back?Also how you meet her/him? Well here's mine all <3

Doesn't matter who you are or what you are to others,just be yourself. I thought in my head that day, until I head a girl crying in the bathroom.She seemed very upset and sad. So I said "Hello, are you alright, you can talk to me" "LEAVE ME ALONE" she told me.I felt sad for her, like she was heart, who lose someone special to her. So I said "It doesn't matter ugly or not or fat or skinny, you are nice person, from the voice you ha-(was cut of by a slap in the face and hit back and stunned to be hit hard and knockout) At this moment I fought I was dead because I hear ringing in my ears and blur vision.Then I heard people running to me and saying to her. "Well, thats just nice of you to hit someone like this nice man, who is trying to help you, maybe he liked you." The next part is like I never wanted to happen to see again, they were beating her up and then I rose and shielded her and took every punch on me and not moving and losing my air out of my lungs. Only thing I remember was her voice in my ear, saying "Thank you" and I closed my eyes and a tear drop landed on my face, then she said something to me that me rise and stand up and walk, she said "I love you and will you be my boyfriend.I only nodded that day and passed out.Later I woke up in a hospital, hearing the same cry, that I heard in high school, she was there holding my hand,and I said "yes I will go out with you and whats your name?" "emily miller, thanks for asking jason" Some how she found out my name and all the sudden I notice all the people in the room who punched me had left get well and sorry cards, they all wrote, you have a heart, Then I cried. and I am still with emily today she is my girlfriend for 1week now now. and thats my first and only love story.
Last edited by 30001068; Sep 26, 2013 at 09:22 PM.
For all the lovers out there. You don't know what love is, till you lose it. </3
That sounds like something that didn't happened. if it has gj.

some girl liked me in elementary school then I was sent away for a while and I came back figured out she had a crush on me contacted her she was dating some abuse retard blah blah I killed a dragon and we had lots and lots of sex forever yay.

Also your sig is dumb.
Last edited by Antleronio; Sep 26, 2013 at 11:45 PM.
I came here to laugh at you
Originally Posted by Antleronio View Post
some girl liked me in elementary school then I was sent away for a while and I came back figured out she had a crush on me contacted her she was dating some abuse retard blah blah I killed a dragon and we had lots and lots of sex forever yay.

true story m8.

i did lots of cokaine and fuk lots of biches and then one day i met this chick and i looked in her eyes and said wnna fk and she was all like damn rite nikka.
and then we had lots of babies n' shit.
Well I have short and long term memory loss, and can't really remember much of my life tbh, but I have a blurry glimpse of my first love. It was from 3rd grade to 7th, and I really fucked up by going to the online school the year prior to 7th, because my mental health went to shit and I had to cut my ties with a lot of people I cared about.

What I liked about her was her amazing personality coupled with good looks (for 13 idek).

I don't believe in true love, but something like that does only happen once, it won't feel the same again.
Hi guys, I also feel the need to tell you the story of my life.
However, it's a rather complicated one and I don't feel comfortable sharing it all at once, so it will be delivered in multiple episodes. Maybe you will have something to look forward to as well.

Part I

I was always an only-child who lived with my mother. I was rather introverted and did not have much social contact with anyone outside my family, until one day I met someone who was just like me.
Her name was Orlando, Orlando Vasques. At first sight he seemed rather uninteresting, for his stature was rather slim, his face pale, and his personality boring. He was one of those people you had to really dig into before you could learn to appreciate them.
The day we met, the alternative portion of Moscow’s red light district, was a sight I will never forget. Midgets and exotic animals ran rampant across a multicolored dance floor flooded with artificial mist that created a thrilling feeling for those who dared to venture inside, right in all the waving limps and body parts that could hardly be distinguished anymore.
Those eyes I saw between the legs of a swedish banker and the African guy who could, according to his looks, very well be a warlord, still haunt me in my sleep. Usually I roll my eyes at such motions, however I have to admit my thoughts were void as I gazed inside of the endless greenish blue eyes.
My sense of time vanished. Natural instincts took over like they do when a hunter meets its prey. Needless to say, we found ourselves on the uncomfortable, cold, and stiff hotel mattress I had slept on for weeks. Good thing we were not in need of sleep that night.

http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ applies, for this will be the quarterstone of my 50 shades of grey thunder.
Last edited by Redundant; Sep 27, 2013 at 01:11 AM.
How are you?
30001068: Wait, did you go in to the girl's restroom to talk to this girl, or were they unisex restrooms? o_O
Last edited by box; Sep 27, 2013 at 01:58 AM.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today