Original Post
Aikido Trainer
I am currently looking for a teacher for TB mainly Aikido and the other common mods. I have knowlage of how each joint works, but don't really know how to use them in unison to beat other people and their Toris.
Belt: Orange
Most played mods: Aikido (bigDojo included), twin swords, whatever else i feel like playing
I have Skype and can send replays if wanted.

any and all help would be awesome. i just need some pointers. Thanks in advance.
awesome!!, i will PM each of you with my steam account. add me when you get the chance and we can play.
also, Tachygraph if you would want my skype so we can talk easier during play then i can give that as well.
This tutorial is one of five (four?) moves where they teach you the basic moves in aikido. Practice, analyze and play a lot. Don't hesitate to spectate or play against experienced players, you can catch up on ranks later!
Owner of Fred
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