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Tag-Teams, Tori Viewers, and Toribash Customizing App/Software(?)
1. I think it would be cool if more then 2 players could play at once. Like if you could have 2v2 mods and open-world type of mods. Probably sounds stupid but tell me what you think about it.

2. It would be great if I could load up my Tori without having to play the game because I often buy and activate textures and junk on my phone, and it would be cool if you could preview your Tori without being in-game.

3. Someone please make something like gimp or paint that's specifically made for Toribash textures and can be found on forums. This would go well with my 2nd idea!

Think about it...

Oh! And I think more money should be rewarded for winning matches. I mean, 10tc per win?! Are you freekin kidding me? That's not even enough to buy a Tori-candy! This means it would take 100 wins to get 1k! In addition, most tournies have a less then 1k reward! Inflation much?
Last edited by BeanSprout; Mar 3, 2015 at 03:21 AM.
...Surely you have more productive things to do then read my stupid signature...[TA]|[TF]
1) Yeah sounds interesting. Alot of people have requested that but it hasn't happened for years now. Maybe 5.0 might do it.

2) How about you /dl (Name) the /lp (0/1) (Name), unless i misread your suggestion

3) Don't understand what you mean, do you mean such as a layout for textures?

4) Those are public rooms, they aren't really all about getting tc. Just a little extra with the unmoderated rooms with fun mods. The tourneys seem fine, the best player gets the prize pretty much.

not sure if i support most of this.
Originally Posted by BeanSprout View Post
1. I think it would be cool if more then 2 players could play at once.

2. It would be great if I could load up my Tori without having to play the game

3. Someone please make something like gimp or paint that's specifically made for Toribash textures and can be found on forums.

Think about it...

Oh! And I think more money should be rewarded for winning matches. I mean, 10tc per win?!

1. it was possible in old versions. too many collisions causes the game to lag badly enough to the point where it was decided to leave it out of the game.

2. there was a web page to view your tori online, it went down a few years ago, im not sure why but it was pretty cool

3. each texture has it's own template. nobody is going to code a program specifically to make toribash textures.

4. buy a booster. it's been the same since 2006, it's not going to change.
Oh. This is a bit off thread topic, but I had bought the boxing gloves and I couldn't even see whether I was grabbing or not. The gloves covered the hands and blocked the grabbing sphere particles. Will this be fixed anytime soon?
...Surely you have more productive things to do then read my stupid signature...[TA]|[TF]
you can turn it off when your playing so it will show up in replays but mot when your playing. just go into Options and turn effects only on replays
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
1. This has already been a thread on the support and ideas. Trust me, I did the same thing, and was moved by a GM to that thread instead.
Lazors Moderated Message:
1. Read the rules. They very clearly say that you're not supposed to tell other users that a thread exists on the same topic. You're not contributing to anything by pointing it out.
2. I am not a GM, GM's don't handle the forums (with exception for the general reports sub-forum)
3. This sub-forum is called "suggestions and ideas", although i'm sure no-one really minds whatever you call it.

2. I would like loading my tori character out of game. But loading up a new tab vs. opening the game to check your character. And if it isn't full screen. I don't see a difference. (Slycooper already specified where it went)

3. Using Gimp or Paint is good enough for textures.
Last edited by Lazors; Mar 3, 2015 at 07:52 PM.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I feel like the best idea out of all these is the second, the others all have pretty major problems or have already been suggested many, many times before to no avail. Perhaps on the equipped inventory page it could show it. I am not sure what sort of programming wizardry this would involve though. If it wouldn't work (easily) for textures I am sure forces and stuff wouldn't be extremely difficult if you just had front on template of a tori (not rotatable) which just got coloured in to match the items (with the timer and stuff shown as well).

If it has already been done on a web page I can't see why it shouldn't be re-added/revived.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by BeanSprout View Post
1. I think it would be cool if more then 2 players could play at once. Like if you could have 2v2 mods and open-world type of mods. Probably sounds stupid but tell me what you think about it.

2. It would be great if I could load up my Tori without having to play the game because I often buy and activate textures and junk on my phone, and it would be cool if you could preview your Tori without being in-game.

3. Someone please make something like gimp or paint that's specifically made for Toribash textures and can be found on forums. This would go well with my 2nd idea!

Think about it...

Oh! And I think more money should be rewarded for winning matches. I mean, 10tc per win?! Are you freekin kidding me? That's not even enough to buy a Tori-candy! This means it would take 100 wins to get 1k! In addition, most tournies have a less then 1k reward! Inflation much?

1-suggested and suported maaaanny times but guess current engine doesnt support. Hampa says
I thought 4 players was lame and lacked strategy. It was just random.

If I do another engine I'll probably design it for 30 players. No reason to stop at 4.

2-I like this idea. It can be a user viewer to see any account or a simple wiever that shows the texture you upload and want to see. Or sth turns your head texture to a spinning globe IDK.

3- No Need ;) Everybody dont have to be texture creator. There should be creators and users.

And about winning price they want to sink tc. So thats againist their aim.
Last edited by Lazors; Mar 3, 2015 at 10:02 PM. Reason: Very funny
Leon The Black
The only thing that could be nice and possible to add is the second suggestion. I would like to see my textured tori in a forum's section, if possible other users' toris (by their profile for example). Could be helpful so you dont have to go ingame and /dl a player everytime to see his tori. Also if you have to sell a set you can just say: "i'm wearing it, check my tori from profile", and everyone can see and buy it even if they cant use the pc.