Now that's some godly art there my dude.I like the fact that you are not limiting yourself to only one specific drawing and painting style, your crosshatching is definitely god-tier, the amount of details you put in your pencil drawings is probably the best part, specially on those xenomorphs or that kaksa drawing, it reminds me of ZHC's art style, the fact that you can keep such consistency with such huge amount of details just scares me, in a good way. There's nothing much to say about your overall style in my opinion, it's wonderful, keep the great job dude.
Now that's some godly art there my dude.I like the fact that you are not limiting yourself to only one specific drawing and painting style, your crosshatching is definitely god-tier, the amount of details you put in your pencil drawings is probably the best part, specially on those xenomorphs or that kaksa drawing, it reminds me of ZHC's art style, the fact that you can keep such consistency with such huge amount of details just scares me, in a good way. There's nothing much to say about your overall style in my opinion, it's wonderful, keep the great job dude.
The only things I think it could get some work, it's your smooth shading (on the T-29 picture for example, I think it lacks some more depth to the surfaces, such asthe edges of the helmet, or those fibers (or whatever it is lol) on his neck, etc. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad, I just think it could get some work, maybe a few more tones, just to sharpen it a little more, you know?)
The other thing I'd like to talk about is your backgrounds/landscape pictures, (the vulcanic egg ritual picture) I couldn't understand what was really going on, I mean I got the general idea but the picture itself didn't explain too much, could get some refinement, I guess this would be the opposite of that T-29 pic. In this case some blur could do really well there, but not too much so the image won't lose it's essence.
I really enjoyed that reveland mine picture tho, I loved the job you did on the mountains and on the sky, the rough style on the city was really well done, it just made the rest of the pic pop out more, amazing job on that.
Your anime drawings are really good, but I think you should try to develop your own characters a little further or maybe add some more of your own style into them, just like in that Fueguchi Hinami picture, or that Kaneki one. You know, try on some shading or stuff like that.
That's it for now I guess, can't wait to see more of your work dude, keep'em coming!
WeppetKo I really like your stuff here! All of the xenomorph drawing are really good. Out of everything here i'd have to say the Nothern Lands painting is my favorite. The buildings, the color and lighting are all really cool. Im also a big fan of that specific style of showing the brush strokes and leaving it loose.
bruh, your art is superb! I find it amazing that you do portraits to landscape art. I would want to see more digital anime art if you can.
for constructive criticism, I'll say give your landscape paintings a little more blending between the colors so it just doesn't look my simple brush strokes.
really looking forward to more of your art, keep it up!