Weekend Bash
Original Post
Starting a Clan, Toriclans & Perks
Toriclans & Starting a Clan

Setting up a Toriclan

A toriclan is the page you're taken to when you click someone's clan below their avatar, or when you click the clans tab at the top of the forum. It acts as a home page for a lot of information on your clan that you can customize and use for loads of cool stuff!

To start a clan we recommend a few things:
1. A thread in this board. This will act as the basis for your toriclan, and gives you and you clan mates a place to talk to each other and call home. There are plenty of examples here for inspiration.
2. Head over HERE and fill out the information. Where it asks for your "Clan post", put in the link to the thread you've just made.
3. Make sure you read the rules found HERE that outline some other small things that may affect your clan.

Your thread

There aren't many rules or requirements when you're making your thread. Just make sure it looks nice and presents your clan well!
We do however ask that if you have a clan bank account, that you clearly list it on your threads first post. It makes things easier on us if things go wrong, and need to help you.
We recommend that you write a short introduction or story for your clan. It's kind of a tradition to write it, and it shows us that you've put in some effort when it comes to applying to become official!

Toriclan tools

Your toriclan can be used for a lot of different things. Here is a short list explaining them;
  • Ranks - your can seperate your toriclan into named ranks. This can help set up a chain of command for your clan, and allows you to give responsibility to your friends, and let them help you out. Running a clan is no easy task!
  • Editting the clan page - You can use the toriclan to edit the first post of the thread. This allows other people to update things like memberlists, clan photos, stories etc.
  • Inviting new members - using the toriclan, you can invite new people to your clan. In the bottom right type their name, wait a moment, and then click invite. They then need to accept the invite, then you can move them into the rank you want.
  • Kicking members - You can also kick members, if you have to. There is a kick button next to their names available to leaders and people who have been given the ability to kick through ranks.
  • Leaving a clan - You can also leave a clan using this page. Next to your name on a toriclan there is a quit button.
  • Achievements - The toriclan also showcases your achievements! These are milestones for your clan like surviving for a certain amount of time, winning 10 wars in a row and things like that!
  • Logs and activity checks - You can check the log of your clan to keep an eye on what's going on. You can also set up ranks to perform activity checks. These activity checks will show you how active you have been in the last month, and use the same systems that we clan staff use to check clans.
  • Wars - There will be more information on wars later. But you can use your toriclan to war other clans inagem, and fight for your place at the top of the clan leaderboard!
  • Leveling up! - Your toriclan will show your clan level. You gain xp for winning wars, gaining achievements and being very active! An unofficial clan is capped at level 10, to go beyond that you need to become official. Gaining xp gives you perk points, which can be used to spend on perks that customise your toriclan, and give other neat things to you and your friends. More on those below.
Clan Wars

Clan wars can be set up using your toriclan. Click the wars tab below the clan name, and fill in all the boxes.
Your opponent then has to accept the war invite in their toriclan.
Once they have accepted, your clans are now at war.
Any matches played between your two clans then count towards the war score until a winner has emerged.

Wars can get a little complicated so we do have to set up some rules, to avoid confusion. Check THIS thread for the rules on them.

Clan Perks

Perk shop uses Perk Points that are equal to your clan's XP earnings and allows purchasing unique customizations for your clan. For now, all customizations are forum related, but we're open to adding game-related and other customizations in future based on players' feedback.

Here's a list of currently available customizations with short descriptions, the prices can be found on your toriclan:
  • Custom "Leaders" name in clan page - 10,000 PP
    Purchasing this would replace the default "Leaders" string in your clan page to a name of your choice.
  • Custom "Clan Roster" name in clan page - 10,000 PP
    Similar to "Leaders" name customization, allows to set up your own name for "Clan Roster" string.
  • Custom clan achievement - 20,000 PP
    Allows you to purchase a custom achievement that only your clan would hold.
  • Display clan logo in members' posts - 30,000 PP
    Enables clan's logo display in posts made by your clan members.
    * Requires clan logo to be uploaded and enabled in clan admin.
  • Custom usertitle for clan members 20,000 PP or 40,000 PP (text or image)
    Allows you to set up either a text usertitle (costs cheaper) with a custom color and font decorations (bold/italics/underline) or an image usertitle (more expensive) for all your clan members who don't have a custom-set usertitle yet.
  • Custom clan page color - 50,000 PP
    This one is self-explanatory, you can now get a custom color for your clan page if you dislike the default bland grey.
  • OFFICIAL CLANS ONLY - Private clan board - 50,000 PP
    Once your clan has been official for 3 months, you are able to purchase a private board using perk points. A private board is a passworded sub board in your clan forum.
  • OFFICIAL CLANS ONLY - Clan server ingame - 50,000 PP
    A static ingame server for your clan. Make it public, private, set up your mod, whatever. Have an ingame home. (Note: Your clan can have only one ingame server)
  • OFFICIAL CLANS ONLY - Additional local moderator - 15,000 PP
    You can have an additional 4th moderator for your board.
  • Clan Emoticon - 40,000 PP
    Ever wanted an emote to represent your clan on the forums? Now you can! (please note that it needs to be at least on part with the quality of the official Toribash emoticons and it is recommended to use 64x64. However, the upper administration can ask you to try again)
Here's the full list of activities that give points to your clan:
  • Playing any multiplayer game - 1 point
  • Winning a ranked game - 5 points (+1 point from playing a game)
  • Winning an automated tourney - 50 points
  • Winning a clan war - 150, 200 or 300 points (depending on war game limit)
  • Losing a clan war - 50 points
  • Getting clan achievements - varies on achievement type
Last edited by Athin; Jul 5, 2023 at 04:56 PM. Reason: Fixed some stuff

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.