Original Post
[Triba/Alien idk Textures]Deathsoldi

Here's a little progress of a set that im busy on .
So far work of the set that's done Leg.

-Link of my (Texture Shop)

Comments/Rates are appreciated.
"contact me if you are intrested".
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
[02:32] <RIP2> Just go to buttsex.info
[02:32] <RIP2> You'll know what I'm talking about.
^----Yea that tribal
Nice head tex you have there i like the metalic look
The leg textures ownzor really that are one of the best leg textures that i even seen...

I want to see the full set XD
Centuries Of Damn
Thanks for the comments all.
I will be done with the set probably today but idk cuz is christmas XD.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |