Original Post
clownhunter's custom music shop!
Just for the lulz, here's a copy pasta from my original thread from about two years ago (remember demo servers and the first league tourny when the ref would always sleep through matches and stuff? Good times. :3):

You all know that feeling, you get ready to play some toribash, you join, but you're not feeling your best. You start playing and suck really bad, even as far as getting beaten by every n00b in a demo server. You need something to pump you up. That something is a custom theme tune created by me, for you to get you going. Once this song comes on in your play list, you're sure to start playing better. For a single affordable price, you too can own your own custom theme tune. Prices range from about 1000 tC to 5000 tC. Remember, the song I create for you is used by just you and no one else! This is your personal theme!

Also remember this, these songs can also be used as your clan theme! Same price as a personal theme song, except you can use this one for your clan! You may distribute it amongst your fellow clan members and rock out to it during the league tourny!

And here's some of my sample songs for you guys to get the feel of what I make:

Yeah, that's right, I'm so hardcore it's insane.
omfg I sell muzik:

<veb> I want to see me giving hampa a bj
<veb> :D
This is selling art.
Shops that sell art go in Art/Textures.
Therefore, this goes in Art/Textures!

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Let me be your first customer in this shop ^^, i want a Clan song for the Hybrid clan, i dont want it very repeative, and i want lots of heavy beats =)

also if its possible, add a voice that says hybrid (optionable)

i will pay 1-10k, 10k if i like it alot.
Alrighty, I'll see what I can do. It might take me a bit though because I have the senior class trip tomorrow so I won't be able to work then and I need to spend some time tonight packing. :3
omfg I sell muzik:

<veb> I want to see me giving hampa a bj
<veb> :D