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Improve MrPoptart's head
my head atm:

I want you to make it look like a zombie uke, main colors quicksilver and black. I still want the big teeth but i want it to look more like a skull with uke's head band ripped up and hanging on it. Most importantly i want it greyscaled, no blue for the eyes, make them holes. I will pay according to how much I like it.

I dont understand what u want, how zombie can be in greyscale?
I now try do a scull-uke, but do only ugly pic >.>
I used to be a toribash player like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee...
Originally Posted by Pa360uHuk View Post

I dont understand what u want, how zombie can be in greyscale?
I now try do a scull-uke, but do only ugly pic >.>

nice head...

i might try this
ok maybe i shouldnt have siad zombie, i want it to be uke's skull, with teeth like the ones i already have, and i want riped and toren pieces of ukes headband to be on it, the bone will be grey (like quick silver) and ukes head band will be black.
Ok, i understand what u want.
Can u give me u current texture? I try something with it
I used to be a toribash player like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee...
Will try it out after I get home from school today. Blah, school >.>

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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Thought he wanted the eyes to be holes... and kind of bloody?..
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck