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Tori-vip in-game features
We got many vio features in the foruLikem but probably got nothing except a discount for globalling in the game. I'm wondered if its possible to make a vip status in the game. Like vips will got their own prefix during the game like in the forum. (%,?,=,+,& etc)
Plus some other interesting features like getting in the server while its full. I don't know why it was removed though.
It would be cool, What I would like to see is also a server option where vip only can join. But password given out on irc is enough.
Getting on a server while it's full is a staff feature, I don't think vip should be able to use that thing.
Was zurük bleibt ist erinnerung
The "%" sign and "+" sign are already used as staff identification. So are these signs:

$, ~, ^

Ultimately it would be very confusing.

Also, the reason people can't join servers when they are full is because:

a. Users like to set the maxclients as 2 for private servers

b. Server's can't handle too many people on at once.

When a host sets maxclients, they do not want more people than the max to join.
Last edited by Link; Dec 22, 2016 at 08:09 PM.
isn't vip for forum only? I'm pretty sure its called Forum VIP
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Originally Posted by Kirito View Post
isn't vip for forum only? I'm pretty sure its called Forum VIP

Here's the idea to make not only forum VIP, but in-game VIP instead

Joining a server while it's full is for staff only. Why even have a max client if anyone who pays can join it? Privacy shouldn't be optional.

Symbols aren't really an option either, because certain staff already have symbols ingame signifying their rank. Why make it more confusing by adding a bunch of random symbols?
I think I might be retired.
instead of clampering down on the poor suggestion like rule overriding, why not discuss other possibilities, like a VIP-only room, or discounted globals, or something like that.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Why not? Directly supporting Toribash by buying VIP on top of already helping sink TC.

What kind of discount should people with VIP get? 50%?
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up