Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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my subjective experience with substance use and toribash gameplay
I wanted to write up a post to share some of the things I've experienced whilst experimenting with different substances while playing on toribash.

I'd like to start off by writing a short disclaimer; Do not replicate anything I have done. Substances can be dangerous if you don't take caution when taking them and follow strict harm reduction practices that comes with a lot of education. I am not writing this post to try and influence anybody or encourage anybody to use substances, I just wanted to share my own experiences with the toribash community.

We are all well aware that toribash is unlike any other game, and the further into the game you go, the more it feels like the tori is an extension of your mind in some senses. Unlike other games where you press a key to walk toribash movements are all developed and strengthened over time just like a persons abilities in real life. you can't walk when you are first born, just like you can't run in xspar when you boot up toribash for the first time.

One of my passions in life, besides gaming, is psychedelic substances and the medicinal and recreational impact they can provide. Since experimenting with psilocin, LSD, and DMT, I've noticed that my abilities to control my mind, and therefore my body and my tori, have increased by a lot.
When using psychedelics and playing toribash I've noticed that I am naturally able to just intuitively know which joint movements would be more beneficial in a replay and I'm able to do sit and let a replay flow that otherwise would have taken me hours of editing to make, and the end product is a lot less twitchy and cleaner. I felt like the guy from limitless

Psychedelics aren't the only substances I've tried though. I've done other things too, like stimulants such as cocaine. I notice that while on these substances I dont really have the motivation to sit and create some substantial replay and I would much rather waste my time doing other things that trigger the dopamine reward system in the brain such as smoking cigarettes, gambling, and drinking alcohol. All of this has had a really negative impact overall and it's not something I am glad I did or would do it again. I only experimented with this class of substance briefly as I find that the side effects from taking it, combined with the atrocities that are committed on a regular basis all along the entire supply chain from the source to the street level dealers, is far too heavy of a burden for me to carry.

Another experience I had recently was playing MMA while high on ketamine and although I find ketamine can be very theraputic for treating depression in small doses, I dont really think its any good for doing much in the physical world while you're on it, especially not playing MMA with a high level fighter while you are trying to remember what you did in the last 50 frames and not just do fun spins

If anyone else has any experiences with playing toribash whilst on drugs I'd encourage you to share them. Just read this and take it into consideration before hand
Originally Posted by Icky View Post
As long as you don't post anything like ;

- "Here is how to replicate what i did"
- "Here is how to make/buy/aquire what i took/used/shared"
- Also nothing illegal ofc.

and you should be ok.

I'm relatively sure that unless you post something extremely wild you won't have much issue from staff as long as you list what you felt/experienced without giving advice or instruction on how to replicate things.

EDIT: I also wanted to add that after taking psychedelics whilst on toribash and around the forums I have reflected a lot on my past behaviours in the community and would like to apologise to a lot of different people for spouting toxicity, as I have healed from a lot of my previous trauma and I realised that the only reason I tried hurting others was because I was deeply wounded myself at the time

TLDR; I did drugs so you dont have to!
Last edited by AltyWalty; Mar 14, 2024 at 05:40 AM.
Originally Posted by Alejandro View Post
I really like this man this is high quality content. Keep it up

Thanks, I appreciate kind words from a toribash legend (they will give you yellow name later on they just haven't realised it yet)

Originally Posted by King View Post
Is this scourage

Not entirely sure what scourage is, do you think you could help me out there
I appreciate the offer and although this account is clanless, my heart is already with one clan forever
Originally Posted by AltyWalty View Post
Not entirely sure what scourage is, do you think you could help me out there

the scowardlly dog
selling tabs for 10 tc

chromium tabs, i have to many open and its slowing my pc down
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.